
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Matt Update

I'll make this short. Matt and his family got to meet the president of the United States and Matt received his purple heart today. Sorry that's all the new info I have. I think the honor should be the presidents since our brave men and women put themselves in harms way to protect him and the rest of us. Too bad it wasn't a president I have any respect for, but I respect the office.

Thanks to all who have sent blocks to me. I received a block from Joan and a nice note for Matt too. Here it is:
Matt's blocks 007
I have been sewing blocks today and have around 10 more finished. I will sew a little longer and then probably watch the US v Canada hockey game.

I thought you might like the view out my kitchen window. This morning the one closest to the window fell and it was so loud! The icicles in the ivy look so cool.
Icicles outside my window
I hope you are all having a nice weekend.


  1. I promise to make mine tomorrow after work Pam. I'm sorry I havent gotten them done yet. But I will.

  2. I agree that the honor should go to the president. It is a shame that it isn't someone we all respect more. SIGH!

    It was an awesome game. I would have preferred a better outcome, but great none the less.

  3. I would be honored to meet any president. President Bush or President Obama and I would put our president up against any world leader and he would win in poise, kindness, and brains.

    All politicians are a little slimy.

  4. I'm glad he's feeling well enough to meet the Prez! That's good news.

    I could NOT believe that game - wow. I was hand-stitching a binding and stabbed myself several times.

  5. The southern side of our house has HUGE icicles, but they too are finally dropping off. Does this mean that spring might actually be around the corner?


  6. Anonymous10:31 AM

    I too was sewing strip blocks for Matts quilt. I've finished 23 more blocks. Not sure how many more I will get done before I head to Canada on Friday.

    I didn't stop my sewing to watch the game. I couldn't watch. The pressure and heart pounding was too much. Brings back many memories of my son's hockey days. I listened from a distance but in the same room. I felt Ryan Miller's pain. He was the best goalie and deserved the MVP award. Can you guess, I'm a goalie's Mom and have experienced heart breakers and also glory games. I paced the rinks many times.

    Congrats to Matt, he so deserves the purple heart. It takes tremendous courage and sacrifieces to keep us all safe and free.

    A thankful Canadian


  7. God bless your son and I thank him for serving our country. I am sure that President Obama was honored to meet him. I am very grateful that someone like President Obama has stepped up and is trying to unscramble the mess that our beloved America has fallen into. Please support our president, it isn't an easy job and it will help if we can all strive for a common goal.


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~