
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Blocks for Layla Grace

I just read the most heartbreaking story about this little girl and her fight against Neuroblastoma. She recently lost her struggle and passed away. Candace, of Cotton Candie Fabric is coordinating a quilt or quilts for the family and is looking for blocks. You were all so generous with helping me by sending me blocks for Matt won't you take a minute and go over to Candace's blog and see if you can make a block or 2 for this cause too?

You can find Layla's story here. I warn you read it with tissues in hand! There is a fairly short turn around time though so if you can help just know Candace needs the blocks soon. God bless each and every one of you for your consideration.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the heads up Pam. I'll put a block together today. Such a sad sad story!!



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