
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

More blocks in the Mail today!!

I received 2 more blocks in the mail today for Matt's quilt from the Hunter family. I am not sure who they are but God bless you for your generosity! There was no note for Matt in the package though. If you would like to include one you can email it to me and I will print it off for you. Also, I have been writing on the front of the block the name of the person who made it. Since I do not have your first name I will just put the Hunter family. If you want something else please email me at:

Here are the beautiful blocks I received today:
Matt's Blocks  from the  Hunter family023

I have posted all the blocks that I have received on my flickr account if you are interested and want to see. Please, please, please let me know if I should expect any additional blocks as I am hoping to finish this top tonight. I would hate to have someone send something and me not know and finish the top. On the upside, PTM and I will be making another one for another serviceman so if that does happen we will put it into the next quilt.

Thanks to all that have made a block or two and I will bring my camera tonight to get some pics.


  1. I see my blocks have yet to arrive but that's not a huge surprise (it usually takes 10-14 days from here, argh).
    Everyone's blocks look fantastic!


  2. I would be interested in contributing to a future quilt. Will you be posting details/opening this up to blogland? I like the 'stars & stripes' in the one you got from the Hunters today! :)

  3. Very nice - can't wait to see the finished top!

  4. More great blocks Pam. I glad to hear you are feeling all better. We have been very lucky to have not caught the bug this winter, not even a sniffle...knock on wood LOL.


  5. Anonymous8:41 PM

    I am sorry I forgot to add a note. I just wanted to hurry and get the blocks to you. I will write a note and mail it to you. thanks for letting us join you in the making of Matt's blocks.

    Sew long,
    Melody Hunter

  6. Oh nooooo I have my blocks ready but cant find your address. Can you send it to me. Or do you not need the blocks now. I'm so sorry Pam.


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