
Monday, March 29, 2010

The "Butt" picture

I was going through some old papers this weekend and making boxes for each of my kids with their old things in them. It was so fun to read some of the cards they made when they were little. But there was one picture that my DD2 had drawn that always held a special place in our hearts. We affectionately referred to it as the "butt" picture. Here is how this story played out.

DD to her daddy: "I drew you a picture"

Daddy, "Who is it?"

DD, "It's you!"

Daddy, "It is? Where is my body?"

DD thinks about it and goes back to the crayons and brings him back this picture.
The "Butt" Photo

Daddy, "What's that?"

DD, "It's your butt, I didn't have room to draw your whole body."

We cracked up!! I was just thrilled to run across this picture. Just thought I would share!


  1. Very cute! How wonderful that you've kept it!

  2. LOL - how cute!!!

  3. how sweet :) I too have a box for each child where precious memories such as these can be saved and pulled out when we need to remember some magical moments!

  4. lol:-) very funny....

  5. I mostly find those things when i clean out a closet. Precious! and what a great story *lol*!! (and weren't you pleased that it wasn't YOUR butt??)

  6. OMGosh Pam, that is sooooo dang funny, I just love little kids and their reasonings ROFL


  7. I love the picture. My friend's five-year-old drew a Mother's Day picture of her in the bathroom throwing up (she was pregnant at the time). And I have a story my first-grade son (many years ago) wrote that goes something like this: I like my cat. My cat likes me. My cat is dead. I still like him.

  8. And then there's the ever touching Mother's Day card when my daughter was 3, "My mommy is a good mommy because she makes delicious." Why? Because daddy said that mommy is delicious and the 3-yr. old overheard.

  9. That story gave me a great giggle. Thanks!


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