
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Weigh In

I completely forgot to tell you about the official weigh in yesterday. Since we went to the party on Sat, I gained a little bit back from my Sat am weigh in at the gym. Still a loss of 1.2 pounds. I received my 25 pound washer thingy to put on the key chain they gave me for losing 10% of my body weight.

People are beginning to notice it too. Best part so far? I tried on some size 14 jeans and I can fit into them and still breathe!! They are a little snug but bearable. There is no going back now!! LOL.

I also figured out that I can go in the am (means getting up around 5:15am) and work out for a half hour, shower and get to work on time so that's what I am doing 3 days a week.

How is your week going so far?


  1. Keep it up girl, you're doing great! Ten percent, that's amazing. Woohooo!

  2. Congratulations. Dang girl I'm so impressed that you are getting up and working out. I need to be motivated to work out period!


  3. 25 pounds WOOT go girl...

  4. Very cool... you are doing awesome.

  5. You go, girl!!! You're inspiring me to maybe get something started over here on my own (back) end! :)

  6. Since I started setting at this job, I've probably put ON those 25 lbs you've lost!
    I've GOT to start doing something...I have a stack of size 14's too.

  7. congratulations!!! that is quite an accomplishment :)

  8. And what will be fun will be when those size 14s start to be baggy. You are doing so well!!

  9. Jeeee Go girl.
    Size 14 is great!

  10. Great job on the weight loss!


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