
Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Flamingo Quilt

A long time ago (2005) I made this quilt for my DD2. She loves flamingos. This is one of the first big quilts I ever made. It is a Yellow Brick Road. I got to see the quilt recently and decided to take some photos to share with you all.
Flamingo quilt 01Flamingo quilt 02

I happened to find a great flannel with flamingos on it too so I used that for the back. She loves flannel on the back of her quilts! Don't you just love the flamingo fabric in the border? I didn't know how to miter my borders back then (really, not now either, since I have never done it!, TRUE CONFESSIONS = )
Flamingo quilt  03Flamingo quilt  label 04

I am interested in what you think of this!


  1. I LOVE THIS. I'm a flamingo nut too! I actually have some of the fabric you used on the back! I never miter my borders either, what's the point *snicker* This is wonderful, Pam!!!!

  2. An early quilt?
    Well, here is the proof you have had sweet skills since early on.
    The quilt is charmingly flamingo themed, without going too far. It's good, fun, and I bet it's loved too.

  3. A very sweet quilt :0) Mitering a corner isn't that hard...try it you might like it ROFL.


  4. Very pretty quilt! That patterns can give you lots of looks. Have a great week-end.

  5. Lynne in Hawaii1:40 PM

    You can't tell that is an 'early' quilt. It is very nice. It is unusual for an early quilt to have a label too. You are a natural quilt artist!

  6. I have 17 pink flamingoes in my front flower bed, multiple porcelain birds thru out the house, frig magnets, used to have the shower curtain, mirrors,etc. I think the pinkie should be the national bird, sorry eagles! Now...where do you think I think this quilt should live?

    Seriously, I love this quilt. You did an awesome job in choosing the right fabrics for each area of the quilt. I think it's spectacular! Thank you for sharing, Elaine

  7. Oh so cute! My mom is too obsessed with flamingos and I've found some fabric to make her a surprise quilt too. Your's is adorable! Jenn

  8. This is such a fun piece!

  9. I love the purples you used...Lovely quilt!

  10. I love the way those colors go together. So pretty!


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~