
Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I have been having a busy week with the boys gone. I have been a cleaning fool! And a planting fool. It has been good to be able to do what I want and not worrying about what I need to do for the family. Does that seem weird? I did manage to get all my plants in the ground. Now I need to mulch, and I need to finish weeding. DD1 and I did manage to clean out the freezer this week too!

We now have 3 baby chicks at our house. The first one is a silver/blue one and then we had a bluff one. The bluff one is so sweet. It just wants a friend. The blue one is so MEAN! It pecks the buff one all the time. So DD separated them and the buff one just *screamed*. So dd took it out and held it and it was quiet. Finally she put them together again with a paper partition and we had another buff chick hatch. She put the two buff chicks together and the blue on the other side of the paper. When we got home from work they were all friends. Funny story though, the first buff that hatched saw the new chick and ran over to it and laid on it as if to say, "Thank goodness you are here and I have a friend.

So I did work on my next JRQAL block (7). I love how it came out! Are you participating in the JRQAL?
JRQAL Block 7


  1. This is such a pretty block! I hope to get mine made up today! :0)

  2. Awww - the chicks sound so darling [except the blue one, lol]. Your block is lovely!

    And yes, I do know what you mean about the freedom that comes when you don't need to worry about getting dinner, making sure everyone has clean clothes, etc. In that way, I'm looking forward to an empty nest, lol.

  3. Love the block!! I need to get out in the yard too, hopefully later today and tomorrow....hopefully.


  4. Your block looks great. I haven't even started mine yet but it is first on the "to do" list for tomorrow morning.

  5. I'm thinking of picking the jrqal up again. This IS a nice block; the last 2 or 3 ones were downright ugly and I can't sew something I REALLY don't like.
    I've been rather busy lately and I totally forgot to tell you (shame on me) how THIN you look on the last pics of you. C thought so too, we have been admiring you!!!


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