
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Aunt Shelby's Wedding

I meant to post this last week when I got it done but so many other things have been happening I haven't had time! I finished the mermaid for the doll quilt. I will work on the quilt once I get the top done for the challenge. Here she is

One of my oldest and dearest friends got married yesterday. There was a party for them on Friday (also my 27th wedding anniversary). It was at his sister's house and it was fabulous!

Yesterday was the wedding. This is my friend, Shelby (yes, my oldest daughter is named after her and she is DD2's Godmother)
Shelby and Don's Wedding 035Shelby and Don's Wedding 103

Isn't she beautiful?? Eve nher feet were adorable! This was pre-wedding. We have been friends for around 28 years now. We met when I moved into the apartment under hers when we both lived in Kalamazoo. I needed to borrow a phone so went upstairs and used hers. We have been best friends ever since! We don't always see each other as much as we would like, although we are trying to change that, but we have been through LOTS of life with each other. Her husband, Mike, passed away around 6 years ago. Very suddenly and no saying goodbye either. VERY traumatic for her (and all of us). She was devistated, but life goes on whether we are ready for it or not. She never thought she would be happy again. Then she met Don. He has made her sooooo happy again. When I walked into the bedroom where she was getting ready yesterday morning it was all either of us could do not to burst into tears. Remembering her wedding to Mike (I was a very pregnant matron of honor) . I looked at her and told her all the new happy memories were about to begin again and we had to look forward not backward. We both kinda sucked it up and no more tears.

The wedding was outdoors at a dear friend of Don's. It could not have been more beautiful.
Shelby and Don's Wedding 090Shelby and Don's Wedding 099
So here are 2 of my children all gussied up too. I thought I would show you a pic of DH and me too.

Shelby and Don's Wedding 111Shelby and Don's Wedding 094
The sad news? I dropped my camera and now it won't turn on! I will have to see about sending it in for repair. = ( Luckily DD1 has the same brand and I was able to put my photo card into her camera and download all the pictures from this weekend!
Now off to clean, laundry and sew.

PS Just in case you were wondering, I made them open the quilt and they loved it. Here is how I ended up doing the label. Oh and the whole quilt and then Aiden "helping" me wrap it up.
Shelby and Don's Wedding 026Shelby and Don's Wedding 029Shelby and Don's Wedding 033
See? I told you there was a lot going on this weekend!


  1. What a beautiful beginning for Shelby and Don. There is something special about a wedding when people are older or have lived through tragedy. The quilt is beautiful.

  2. The quilt is beautiful. What a wonderful gift. Have you received any of that cooler weather we were suppose to get yet. I am canning salsa this afternoon and was hoping to open the windows and let out the steamy air. Maybe they got the time wrong? Happy weekend!

  3. What wonderful pictures Pam. Your friend looks radiant!! The quilt is fantastic!!


  4. Gorgeous quilt, radiant bride, beautiful you!

  5. Wonderful wedding, beautiful couple, FABULOUS QUILT WHAT A TREASURE... And you my dear... are lovely.


  6. What a lovely story! I can imagine that you both shed some tears..And the quilt is great too.


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~