
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

It's GREEN!!

If you were guessing about the second color in the quilt it is green. Here are the humble beginnings on my work table.

Aqua and Green
Along with a sneak peek at the rough graph of the quilt.
Work Table
It is really my thinking pad, so what's there may still change. Sometimes these things evolve as I work.

Of course I have to show you the "help" I am receiving with this one too. You would think they were hatching eggs as they seem to take turns shedding laying on it, like a hen brooding over her eggs.
Mosen Helping 03
I thought you might like to see the books we are able to choose our blocks from too so I snapped a quick pic this am.
Block Books
So there you have it. I hope to begin some sewing tonight, or at least maybe finish all the stripping (of the fabric, now get your minds out of there, although it *is* my 27th anniversary on Friday so there is someone that might actually appreciate the other kind of stripping = ) LOL!!!

Let me know what you think.


  1. I love you colors, especially against the stark contrast of inspector 13! (aren't they great.......they have to be right wherever you need to be, the ironing board, cutting table, nose glued to the thread that bounces while you're sewing..... under your feet, etc
    Ia going to be fun watching the process!!! You're off to a great start!!

  2. Really, one these days I do need to learn how to type!

  3. This will be fun to watch. Congrats on the anniversary. Mine is this month, next Thursday, an it will be 33 for me.

  4. LOVE the colors - perfect!

  5. Oooo I see stars!! Stars are alway wonderful in my book :0)


  6. I have that book: I find it a little overwhelming. I LOVE your color choices.

  7. Start striping girl. Happy Anniversary. lol

  8. That book really looks good...I will have to look into it!


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~