
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I Did It!!

I sure did it! I blogged every day for the last 30 days, every single day in November! Woo Hoo!!
Ok enough celebrating, you came to see the photos of my finishes didn't you? First up is the reindeer table runner that I made for my Secret Santa Christmas Swap. I LOVE it!! It will be difficult to part with it.

Christmas Presents 2010 008
Christmas Presents 2010 010Christmas Presents 2010 011
Then I finished this wall hanging. It is the third one of them completely finished (thank you LTW and PTM). Here is the front and back.
Christmas Presents 2010 005Christmas Presents 2010 007
See how the quilting makes a great "wing" on this one? I love how that happened! Also notice the great plaid I found for the binding on this one! I still need to take a photo of the one I am keeping, hey maybe tomorrow!!
Christmas Presents 2010 006
It was darkish and raining and windy when I got home tonight so I had some trouble taking photos. GRRRR I should have done it yesterday. Oh well, here are the next FIVE tops I managed to finish too.
Christmas Presents 2010 001Christmas Presents 2010 004
It's really amazing that 4 charm packs and a partial layer cake could turn into 8 great wall hangings isn't it? I think I'm pretty much tired of this pattern at this point. I was talking to PTM the other day and told her I was going to give it away and I guess I'll be giving it away to her!! LOL!! She really likes the pattern so she can have it and make a few for herself or for gifts. She has been doing all my binding, because it really hurts my hands and all the way up into my shoulder. How can you ask for a better BFF?? Answer: YOU CAN'T!! So I told her to choose one of those last 5 to keep for herself. It will be fun to see which one she will choose. I think I know which one but I'll keep you posted!

I still need to make the backs so I can send them to LTW for the quilting. If I wasn't so lazy I would do that tonight. Actually I think I will do just that, although I hear Rudolph on the TV in the other room and it is my favorite Christmas show, so we will see. I went to the gym, came home and made turkey pot pie, popped it into the oven and went to the church to drop off something then home, food and now blogging.

So, I need to get it in gear and see what I can do about those backs, (one continuous piece sounds good don't you think??) I need to put away dinner, clean up, and get the ribs ready for the crock pot so they can be started in the morning before I leave for work. Have a wonderful evening and remember you can do whatever you put your mind to (like blog every day!!)


  1. That reindeer table runner is so cute Pam!! I need to make one!

  2. i love the snowflakes that are quilted on the reindeer - way cool! and the cardinals are very, very sweet, too!

    we just ate the last piece of (two) pot pies today - oh my gosh, they were goood ... i might just hafta make a couple more.

  3. Every single day for 30 days......a new blog post. You are amazing.... and that is why I call you TAP ....The Amazing Pam. I'm lucky to do 2 in 30 days.


  4. congrats! on blogging everyday :)

  5. Love the reindeer and cardinals, Pam!

  6. I am always amazed by how many projects can be made from a small amount of fabric. The reindeer are so cute. Where did you get the pattern? I would love to make it.

    Turkey pot pie is on the menu for Thursday. I had to take a break from turkey!

  7. Good post ;) congrats on the 30 days, you did a great job! I can't believe you blogged for thirty days and still managed to make all those wall hangings! Wow girl! I love that binding, it's perfect. I made turkey pot pie too and everyday around lunch I get a message from my husband saying how good it is! PTM is such an amazing friend to do all your bindings! Whew, you had a lot to comment on in this post but I think I covered everything. Oh yeah, sit down and enjoy Rudolph!

  8. Congratulations! That's a feat! LOVE your runners - the reindeer are awesome and the cardinals look terrific.

  9. Way to go! Great Job! I was so excited when I made my last post yesterday!
    I love your reindeer! They are just adorable! I don't think they could be much cuter!
    I love the cardinal wallhangings! The one with Merry and Bright is my favorite!
    Thanks for sharing with us for 30 straight days!

  10. Congratulations :) I know it feels super to complete a goal, well done :)
    Loved your photos and quilt projects. Now I feel lacking, so I better get to sewing instead of blog reading.
    Wishing you & yours a wonderful holiday season.

  11. WOW so many beautiful projects Pam!! You have been sooooo productive :0)

    Love the quilting LTW did!!



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