
Monday, November 29, 2010

One More Day

That's right, just one more day and I will have blogged for 30 days straight. I'm glad I did it but I think I may take a break. It's difficult to keep coming up with things to blog about that others might find interesting.

I went to the grocery store on the way home so when I got home it was too dark to take the photos I wanted to put up today so you all will have to wait until tomorrow. HA at least that ensures there will be some photos for tomorrows post.

I want a photo of the table runner I made for my swap partner before I put it in the mail so that won't actually get mailed out until Wed. I hope she will love it.

So I will leave you dreaming on like Jack here, about what you will get to see tomorrow! Have a good evening. XOP

Jack Dreamin' On 004Jack Dreamin' On 001


  1. Congrats on the 30 days straight. I have been checking up on people, but not blogging much. It is hard to come up with things to say sometimes, but I do enjoy what you do have to say!

  2. That's quite an accomplishment! I have 3 blogs. I think Jack would like my cat, Mandu's, blog.

  3. Jack could be our Hendrix the cat's brother. They look like twins.

  4. Me too... I can't wait until tomorrow... it's been fun reading everyone's blogs, but you can tell people are getting a little punchy... yeah we're at the end!


  5. YAY!!! Thirty Days!
    It's been fun, Pam! Your posts are always great! Love Jack! He's adorable! Can't wait to see your pictures!

  6. I don't know how you did it, no way could I think of 30 days of things to blog about....I lead such a boring life LOL. Congrats!!


  7. Pix are cute. It is a lot of work to publish a blog isn't it? In the beginning I had to look for things to have so many backed up posts I could publish for a year without ever duplicating...LOL.

    If you get short of materials....I'd be glad to send all mine your way!!!


  8. Thank you :) For the sharing. Please don't take too long of a break, you'll be missed :)


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