
Monday, December 27, 2010


Christmas morning was an amazing day here at Chez Lincoln! My father and sister came over around 9am and we started to open our presents while the breakfast casserole and cinnamon rolls were baking. Here is a little peek. DD1 and my little sister.
Christmas and Thadd's bday 2010 034
A few years ago our family took a vacation to the Smokey Mountains. We stayed at a cabin in the mountains and one night the lights went out. We were looking for candles and couldn't find any so the kids made up a candle thief named "Marcos". They drew a picture of him and wrote about him. My DD1 was cleaning out some things recently and found this sketch, so she framed it and gave it to DD2 for Christmas. We all cracked up!
Christmas and Thadd's bday 2010 035
I didn't know what to give my dad for Christmas. He is 84 and he has what he wants or buys it. Sigh. I knw he is always cold so I bought him some fleece lined jeans, which BTW he loved. I know he is cold at night so I decided to give him a flannel quilt that I had at home that didn't fit on my queen sized bed. He is opening it in this first photo and do you think he liked it?
Christmas and Thadd's bday 2010 036Christmas and Thadd's bday 2010 042
Then every year I give my DD2 a "creepy elf" and this year was no exception. I actually found more than 1 this year but here she is with one of them. We gave my son that crazy hat that looks like a mohawk but in hat form! He loved it and I'm not sure he has taken it ouff since he opened it up!
Christmas and Thadd's bday 2010 038Christmas and Thadd's bday 2010 041
I didn't happen to get any photos of my DH or myself but I assure you we had a wonderful Christmas! He bought me an Accuquilt GO! cutter!!!! Except where he tried to get it from it was backordered so he had to think fast. He had my daughter consult with LTW, who gave her the box from her cutter and my thoughtful DH wrapped that box!! He told me I can order the cutter, the case and a die or two!! Am I not the luckiest person ever?? I am going to try to get PTM to order hers at the same time! From my kids I got, Victoria's Secret undies (DD2) and a gift certificate for a pedicure as well as a certificate to get my ears re-pieced (the holes closed up). DS told me he had ordered something but it didn't arrive in time. My sister gave me a GC to JAF, dad gave me a nice check! DH also gave me the shoes I found in Shipshewana, a new piping foot for my Bernina, some bobbins and a Sietz oil lamp and a few little things. See what I mean? GREAT Christmas.
The next day was my DS's 20th birthday. We got him a few things but I think he loved the UT blanket I made for him almost as much as the check we gave him! (still with that hat!!)
Christmas and Thadd's bday 2010 043Christmas and Thadd's bday 2010 045
Notice that little tree on his left? See that paper angel on the top? DD1 made that years ago and I love it. My kids HATE that tree!! They hang all the kid made "ugly" ornaments on that tree.
We had a funny moment when I took out the cake I had bought at the local bakery. DS likes "bumpy cake" so that's what I bought. My dad took one look at the cake and asked me if I bought it all lumpy like that and just what exactly was in those bumps? I told him bugs and yes I bought it that way! Actually it's cream. LOL!! Oh dad!
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas too. More soon, I've been working on my New Year's resolutions and my look back at 2010.


  1. It looks like you had a really fun Christmas. More memories were made there this year.

  2. Fun - love that hat too! I hope you have fun with your GO cutter!

  3. Your dad sounds like a goof ball--like mine!!:) Glad to see you had a wonderful Christmas!

  4. What a wonderful Christmas...that hat is to die for ROFL.


  5. Wow what a great Christmas! I love the tree that no one likes! Especially the angel on top! Those kinds of things are what make holidays special!!!
    That hat is a riot!!


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