
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Eve

Every year we go to my SIL and BIL's house to celebrate Christmas Eve. This year they were in a new home in Jackson and it is an amazing house. I am not going to post all my photos on the blog cuz I took so many but I will share a few.

First DH and I brought Gingerbread cookies for all the little kids to decorate. We usually bring them a craft of some sort to do. They seemed to have a great time.
Christmas and Thadd's bday 2010 001
This is just one of the staircases. Isn't it beautiful?
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DD2 and her BF along with some of the family.
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DD2 and her BF and DD1 and her BF, it was nice both of the BFs could join in the fun!
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Then we got a great photo of our whole family with both of the BF's.
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Here is a great pic of DD2 with her Aunt Margie. They share a birthday. Also Margie's DH with a bottle of wine that my DH found for him with his company's name on it, CMS.
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Last but certainly not least a great pic of my DH's brother and SIL. Thanks Mark and Jackie for a wonderful night!!
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I will tell you all about Christmas tomorrow. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and that Santa was very good to all of you!


  1. I love that wallpaper on the stairs! Looks like a beautiful home, and best of all, it was filled with those you love!

  2. Ooo looks to be a beautiful house filled with lots of family and friends. I can see you all had a wonderful time together :0)



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