
Friday, December 24, 2010

Quilts Made In 2010

First of all I would like to wish everyone that celebrates Christmas a very Merry Christmas. I am just about ready for the big day tomorrow. Last night DH and I baked some gingerbread cookies to bring with us today for our nieces and nephews to decorate. Every year we bring something for them to do. I have to say making gingerbread cookies was a brilliant idea, so easy. I used a gingerbread recipe from my friend Cori and it was fabulous! Anyone need that recipe??

Earlier in the week DD2 came home and her friend, Andy, came over and they decorated the sugar cookies. Anyone else use the frozen ones from Gordon Food Service? I love these cookies! I did manage to snap a few pics of them. This is the second year Andy has come over and he said, "Hey I came here last year, right? So this is kind of a tradition, right?" Yes Andy it sure is. I am so happy that even though he is home from his military training for a few days he spent some time with us!
Christmas Cookies with Andy 2010 001Christmas Cookies with Andy 2010 002
Whenever Andy comes over it means apple pie time too. He loves pie. As soon as I knew he was coming over I set on making a pie for him.
Christmas Cookies with Andy 2010 003Christmas Cookies with Andy 2010 004
Now on to something I wanted to do for myself. I will be changing the list on my side bar and removing the finished quilts. I did that last year but I didn't document here in a final post, all the quilts I had finished in 2009. I decided that I need to do it this year so I went to and made a mosaic, using photos from my Flickr account. Here it is!

1. Origins Baby Quilt 001, 2. Christmas Presents 2010 008, 3. Christmas Presents 2010 005, 4. Christmas Presents 2010 001, 5. Christmas Presents 2010 003, 6. Fair and Square 01, 7. Mermaid up close, 8. Mermaid quilt, 9. JRQuil 02, 10. Curious Geroge 02, 11. DSCF9987, 12. Shelby and Don's Wedding 029, 13. RQ finished, 14. Liam's baby quilt 001, 15. Matt's Quilt quilted 007, 16. Kelsey's "S" Quilt 02, 17. Veteran's quilt quilted 01, 18. CC with binding, 19. Dragon LS 02, 20. Blue lighthouse quilt finished
I think I counted 16 finished, although there were 2 of those veteran quilts so maybe that makes 17. I didn't put in any of the embroidered blocks, or quilt blocks or tops, just the finished projects. Not too bad, huh?

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday! Mine begins very soon.


  1. Congratulations on all of your finished quilts!
    Merry Christmas to you and your family!
    Have fun!

  2. 2010 was a great year for your quilting Pam! Merry Christmas!

  3. Wonderful, gifted, and productive are you - well done!
    Merry Christmas!

  4. Love the pictures of DD2 and Andy = very fun! And, look at all you got done - so many pretty things!! Wishing you and yours a very Merry Chirstmas!

  5. Hey, I remember those quilts!! You done good :0)

    It must warm your heart to know that Andy loves to come to your house to decorate cookies and eat pie LOL.

    Merry Christmas to you and your wonderful family and friends!!


  6. Merry Christmas Pam! Love seeing all your finished quilts!

  7. Great job Pam! Have a Merry Christmas!

  8. Love all of your finishes.

    I hope you have a very Merry Christmas.


  9. Wonderful that you had all the finishes!
    Merry Christmas!


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