
Friday, April 01, 2011

Project Special Delivery

QQ and I had a commitment to make a wonky star block for a very special mom who is having a baby.  (No I still can't say who, but soon). 
So I went over to QQ's house last night and we used the wonky star tutorial by Silly Boo Dilly to make our start.  Luckily, they were the exact size we needed so no math!  I do have to say that they are not as easy as I thought, at least not at first, anyway.  I had to rip mine out a few times but now it is done.  The pink one with the cats is mine (big surprise) and the orange flowered one is QQ's.
Aren't those orange flowers so adorable??  We used Kona Ash for the background.

There is a Flickr group dedicated to this and I am loving all the wonky stars in that group! 

I feel like this is a technique I was excited about making and now that I have made one it will be easier to make another one.  My problem was that I didn't have enough overlap where the star points joined to each other and there was a gap.  So out came the seam ripper and I re-did it.  I was much happier with it the second time around.  I can see where they would go quickly if you had the technique down.  On top of making these I recently came across a tutorial (actually listed on her blog as a QAL) on Kerry's blog, Very Kerry Berry on making a wonky star baby quilt.  It was quite a bit different from making a single star and worth checking out, plus Kerry is totally a really nice person!  Her printer friendly version was messed up and when I let her know she fixed it right away.  Now it is perfect!  You should go and check her blog out!

Last but not least I learned another new thing in Flickr today.  I know, right 2 new things in one week!!  When people leave a comment on a posted photo sometimes I have seen the person who's photo it was comment back.  Not unusual you say right?  They put the commenter's profile photo in the response followed by their return comment.  WHAT??  How do you do that??  Well, here's how, and boy are you gonna be surprised at how easy this one is.  Click on the part where you are going to respond to the comment and put in a [ then drag their name beside it and enclose it in another ].  So if I were going to respond to QQ I would put this:
[quiltn queen] Thanks for the nice comment (or whatever you were going to say back.  Easy, huh?? And her profile photo would appear where the bracketed words are now!!

Ok, so I have dragged you guys on a lot of learning adventures this week.  Tired yet?  Someone posted recently on the dumbing down of quilting but I feel like putting up new things as I learn them helps someone, cuz I can't be the only one wondering right??  I just got my panties in a bunch when I read that post.  You can go and read it for yourself.  I would be interested to hear what you think too.  I left a comment if you want to know what I thought.

Now for the upcoming weekend, who's up for some finishes?  That would be me!  I have another secret project coming my way, possibly this weekend (YIKES) so I feel like I need to get my butt in gear and get working on the projects I want finished, hopefully before I get the new stuff.  I think I can finish Dreamy Stars, maybe tonight?  Then next up is the Tumbler wedding quilt although it is at QQ's house!   (I think I need to go to her house anyway to pick up the project as it is being sent there, since she too is working on this same project!!)  Anyhoo, never a dull moment at casa Spark!  ~XOP~

PS: Suz, hold on to your hat and don't stand up, as my grandpa used to say now you have another block to try!


  1. Great block and you are always into SO MANY things, it's hard to keep up with you, but I try!

  2. Ash, orange and pink- I love that combination. I read the 'dumbing' down, second thing I've read like that this week- check out Malka's blog entry here
    There is always more to learn, and that is what makes blogging so great!

  3. I love pink and orange!! Of course pink is my favorite, but pink with orange... outstanding!!

  4. all I can say about the opinion about quilting being "dumbed down", is to each their own. The modern large scale fabrics don't work on the little blocks I am working on. They seem to need a large block with few pieces to showcase the wonderful fabric.

    Also, just because I like one art form doesn't mean others have to. Because this is all really a creative expression, no right or wrong. I disliked the quilt police of old myself. I don't like all music either, or paintings, or movies....

  5. LOVE your wonky stars!!! I first learned how to do them from Gwen Marston's Liberated Quiltmaking book, but I'm going to check Kerry's tute to see how she does it.

  6. Love both of the stars....Stars are always good IMHO :0)

    I went and read the posting....a bit harsh but in principle I agree. Quilters do need to stretch themselves and not to pay any attention to someone labeling a block as intermediate or advanced....just try it.

    I also said that those that know how to do should be putting more tutorials on their blogs, to encourage the newbies. Also that their failures and solutions to those failures should be shown too. It's always nice to know that the so called "advanced" quilters screw up too :0)

    All IMHO - Crispy

  7. Love the wonky stars! That's still on my list. I love the wonky style period - every time you make it, it looks different.

    I read the dumbing down post, and she makes some really good points. I'm quite in love with the fresh modern quilters, because I don't desire to be a master quilter....I want to play. While I love and appreciate all quilts, I'm drawn to the modern because it's more like play than work. However, for someone whose passion is traditional quilting, I can see where it would be frustrating to see all the gushing over simple quilts.

    The problem might be just the times we live in. Back in the day, mastering difficult blocks was not only a matter of pride, you had the TIME to do it. Today, not many people do. And for someone who wants to create but can't make the time commitment, a simple and quick project will satisfy that.

    The satisfaction for me comes from creating something that I love, that *I* am happy with. I'll never be a traditional quilter, perfect seams and complex blocks are not important to me. However, I know enough to be able to APPRECIATE them, I just don't want to make them. I believe her main point was that new quilters, doing simple patterns, sometimes make it seem more complicated than it really is - I agree with that.

    As for whether new quilters "should" stretch themselves, well, that depends, doesn't it? I have no desire to stretch in that direction - although if I saw a difficult quilt that I really wanted to make, I would at least try it. Complex patterns take TIME, no matter how good you are, and that's the one commodity we're all short of.

  8. ahhh you know how much I love orange..these blocks are bright like sunshine all over our planet...beautiful Pam..


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