
Saturday, April 02, 2011

Thrift Shop Finds

Today was a weird day.  I got up early and went to Body Pump, no Zumba, then to Kohls (but too busy so we left) then I went over to QQ's because one of our expected (secret) projects had arrived.  As it turned out there were some potential issues with what was sent so he had to make a call and make sure we had what we needed to begin.  As it turns out we had what we needed so tomorrow I will go back to QQ's and we will do some work together.

DH and I decided to stop at the grocery on the way home.  I don't know if I told you but yesterday I was at  the Salvation Army (or as QQ says, the Sally Ann) thrifting when I found a couple of vintage sewing machines.  I copied the serial numbers down and came home to look them up.  One I could find info on but not the other one.  The one was in better shape than the other, but I was unsure.  They only wanted $12.49 for it.  What to do what to do?  Really?  Why did I need an old sewing machine.  For some reason it was speaking to me, so I came home and talked to DH about it.  He told me to go back and get it, that even if it was bad we were only out $12 so it was worth a shot.

Today I had to take the Mustang so I couldn't get it.  When I got home DH asked wehre the sewing machine was so we went back and bought it.  I had to go back a thrid time to pick it up tonight (with DH).  He seemed as excited about it as I was!  I think he is looking forward to making it purr like a kitten for me!  LOL.  So here she is:
Isn't she a beauty?  It is a Singer 66-16.  So now I need a manual and probably some parts, but I just couldn't let it get dumped.  Anyone know anything about this machine!  Anyone?

The other amazing finds I got were this vintage sheet and this fabric. I loved the sheet.  I can see this as a great back for something.  The fabric?  I think it might be by Tammis Keefe, but I'm not sure.  Does anyone out there happen to know?  It feels kind of linen like.

Once we got back home I managed to do a little sewing.  I put together 3 rows of my Dreamy Stars quilt.  It was too dark for a pic tonight but hopefully I can finish the rest of the rows tomorrow and then off to the boarders.  I really wanted to get this done this weekend since I know how much I need to do coming up here really soon.  Hope you are all staying busy this weekend too.  ~XOP~


  1. Can't be of any help with the machine. I have a featherweight. The sheet is lovely, but that fabric is awesome!! Good for you Pam!

  2. I LOVE that machine - love it - the sheet and fabric too!

  3. It LOOKS like a Featherweight, and they go for, I'm told, about $300 in Rhode Island, and $800 in California!

  4. Wow, 12.95 with the cabinet, too??? That's a total steal! Does it work? Find the serial number from the bottom and check this website, it will tell you when your 'new' machine was born. I just started piecing on my late MIL's Featherweight and everything people say is true. It pieces like a charm. The fabrics feed in to beautifully! Enjoy it.

  5. I don't know about that particular machine but I can tell it is not a featherweight 221,they are much smaller. Looks like you scored a major victory because the machine is in very good shape.. The gold is in great condition. If you can't get it to work you could have it made into a great lamp base!


  6. Cool looking machine!! Did it come with the cabinet too?


  7. I have a singer sewing machine just like that one. It was my great aunts. Sad part is that it resides in the attic for now. I'm just not sure what to do with it.
    I'm curious to see what you manage with yours.

  8. Oh lucky you!! What a wonderful fine you have there!! And for that price, it's worth it, even if it needs a little work. I have 2 old rotary machines that I found at the thrift store. Both were only $16, and the both work beautifully!

    Good luck with yours. She sure is pretty.

  9. it looks like a singer featherweight to me. I am always on the look out for them at antique/thrift shops - a lucky find I bet someone will know more about it.

  10. I thought it was a Featherweight when I looked at it - sure is similar. Great find any way you look at it! I think you can get the manual in a PDF file at the Singer website - you might try it anyway. Busy weekend! Son and family are here plus two more grandchildren (5 in all!). Last night the children wanted to "camp" so I spent the night in the camper with them. And tomorrow bright and early I leave for quilt retreat. After all the kids here I told my husband he would have to clean the house while I was gone - small children=sticky everything! blessings, marlene

  11. I have the similar version (99-31) This was the 3/4 size version of the 66. This site is wonderful to give you info on your 66 which he says was the best perfect stitch machine. Congratulations! I know you can get 1/4 in feet for these now. I just bought my foot recently and love it. Here's the link .

  12. I get jesssz a teeensy bit of credit for the "nudge"? Miss Singer is a REAL BEAUTY!... not doubt about that. She doesn't even have to work...she'll do a great job, just sitting and looking pretty. =P



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