
Sunday, May 08, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

My mother's day weekend actually began yesterday.  I went to the gym as usual but my DD1 called me to tell me she was coming over and wanted to take me out for lunch.  So we went to the Red Olive, my favorite lunch place.  Before we left she told me to close my eyes and hold out my hands and she dropped this into my hands.
Tiramisu 02

A gigantic piece of Tiramisu!! Then she told me to do it again and this is what she put in my hands.
flowers 03flowers 04
Aren't these the most beautiful orchids you have ever seen?? The photo does not do them justice. They are the most amazing shade of royal blue and purple.

After I got back from lunch, DH and I went to downtown Plymouth to Kellog Park for the Green Fair. We got a hook up to make a rain barrel and found a place to take our old TV for charity! That made me really happy since it is currently sitting on my deck! I can get rid of it and it goes for charity and I get a tax write off?? DONE!! So it has to go there today. Interestingly enough they made the water in the fountain GREEN!! It looks so wrong but I thought you might like to see it too.

Go Green fountain
Last night DH and I drove down to LTW's farm (DD1 is farm sitting) and we brought hot dogs and chips and such and we had a big bonfire and shared some time with her and her BF. It was a nice way to spend the evening.

Today, so far, DH made me breakfast and I have been sewing. I finished the back for the PSD quilt but will show you that tomorrow since this is getting kind of long.

For all those that are mom's out there,have a Happy Mother's Day!! ~XOP~


  1. You certainly are having a nice Mother's Day having it spread out over a couple of days is Good!!

    I'm waiting patiently for the breakfast my son is cooking.....I think I will have to call it brunch instead LOL


  2. Happy Mother's Day! You've had a wonderful one, the flowers are fabulous. And the tiramisu... wow.

  3. Sounds just wonderful! May you enjoy the rest of your Mother's Day weekend!

  4. "Mothers Day" should be "Mothers WEEKEND"... glad you're enjoying yours!

  5. Biggest and bestest Mothers Day wishes to you!! I'm so glad you are having a "weekend" instead of a 'day' ... :) yay you!!

  6. Happy MOM's DAY...sounds like you are spreading the MUMZ day cheer!


  7. Sounds like you had a great Mother's day weekend! Glad you've enjoyed it :)

  8. Happy Mothers day to you also. Looks like you are having a great weekend. I spent most of these two days outside cleaning out some of the flower beds. I have a lot of sewing to do but it suppose to start raining in a day or so and I expect I can sew to my minds content then.

  9. Oh I always get those saying wrong. Heart content not minds content although I think it works just as well.

  10. What lovely gifts from dd! I can't believe they made the water in the fountain green, it looks awful, lol. I love that fountain. I wish they still had the quilts shops in Plymouth!

  11. The flowers are beautiful! That Tiramisu looks so yummmmy!!! So glad you had a wonderful day!

  12. Happy Mother's Day Pam those Orchids are lovely and wow you are lucky to have such wonderful kids they are great and think the absolute world of youxxx love from faith and the dogsxxx


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