
Monday, May 16, 2011

Market Adventure Day 1

I just got home from spring Market yesterday.  I was hoping to keep up posting while away but my hard drive had crashed and I am desperately trying to make it come back to life.  Of course I had it all backed up...NOT!  So keep your fingers crossed for me!  I thought this would make a great quilt!  The view from the plane on the way out to Utah.
Cool view from the plane
I flew out to Salt Lake City with Pauline for the trip and we were met at the airport by our friend Annie.  She not only picked us up but she took us to several quilt shops in the area.  I am going to begin my market trip with a tour of some of the nice shops we went to, and tomorrow I will get into the actual market itself.  So if you ever wanted to visit these shops, get yourself a cuppa and get ready for your virtual trip! 

First stop was Quilts Etc.  This shop has a road running right through it!  (well kinda, their shop is on 2 sides of the road!) You can see Annie and Pauline going in too!
Quilts EtcQuilts Etc
This was a very nice shop and really big!
I hope I can remember the order we went to all the shops but honestly it is kind of a blur!!  Everywhere you looked you saw this too:
Next up was Material Girls. We heard that Helen Stubbings was going to be there. Pauline had done some embroidery for her and we wanted to meet her. She was giving a lesson on her way of doing applique and a trunk show. I managed to snap a photo of Helen and Pauline together.
Helen Stubings and Pauline
So this is Material Girls shop, probably my favorite shop.
Material GirlsMaterial Girls
Look who I happened to run into while shopping = )
Me and Kellie Wulfson
None other than miss Kellie Whulfson herself, of Don't Look Now fame!! EEP I was so excited to meet her after admiring her for so long!!!
The next shop Annie took us to was called Thimbles and Threads. It was a very nice shop, one Annie likes a lot!
Thimbles and ThreadsAnnie
I found this adorable pattern by Maggs and Me with the Little Bunny Foo Foo story on it.
Little Bunny Foo FooLittle Bunny Foo Foo
I was waiting for Pauline and Annie and watching the birds out in the front yard and I saw a beautiful Magpie and some quail. Really, quail. How odd, right? We do not have quail at our bird feeders at home do you??
The next stop was a shop called Broadbents. I was so excited to find some Sweet by Moda there. Always a treasure to find that anywhere!!
We drove to another shop called the Quilting Cottage.
Quilted Cottage
I didn't remember to get any pics inside though.
Pine Needles was our next shop. Hi Annie, Pauline and Maxine!!
Annie, Pauline and MaxinePine Needles
Now off to Elaine's. They had a whole room of civil war fabrics here. The view from their parking lot was amazing too.
Elaine'sMountains in UtahElaine's
There were quite a few bolts of both Nest and Innocent Crush here as well as a kit using Innocent crush in it.
NestInnocent CrushInocnet Crush quilt kit
I picked up this pattern but will use different colors for the quilt...someday.
Tree Pattern
WHEW!! That was the last stop and then we were off to our hotel. We stayed at the Little America in downtown Salt Lake City and was it ever a beautiful place!! This is the lobby and those flowers were real!!
Little America SLC
I did not happen to get a picture of our room but trust me when I tell you it was really, really nice! They were about 4 blocks from the convention center and there was a free tram we could take to get there or get home from there too.

I am feeling a little tired and need to stop. I will continue the market adventure soon though. Next up, helping Anne Sutton set up her booth on Wed so stay tuned. You are not going to believe who we met!!


  1. Wow so many great shops in the area!! It was fun to see the quail, we don't have them at my house either but see them sometimes in Seattle.

    I love that tree pattern!!


  2. Darn it! I should have taken a nap first! Now I need a nap! That was so much fun and alot of shops! No quail here either! We have a peace dove that visits us every now and then, though!!
    Thanks for sharing and can't wait to read more!

  3. Oh my goodness, shop until you drop, we need pictures of what you purchased!!!

  4. nice to see you back..your pics are small, but they certainly tell a gals love to shop lol

  5. How fun that you got a whole shopping day in advance of market. I bet you're exhausted. Catch up and then spill the beans!

  6. What an adventure you've been on! I know you have had the BEST time!

  7. Fun, fun, Fun - I can hardly wait for your next installment!

  8. Shop...'till we dropped...YEP, that is an understatement!...from 10:30am to after 10:pm...
    It was really fun, tho...great friends, great quilt shops...and fabric. How can you beat that for a 12 hour "run". =D


  9. I went there last week for HMQS and had a spectacular time. The quilt shops are wonderful. Looks like you found a couple that we didn't get time to go to. Next trip for me I guess. Sounds like you had a great time!!

  10. Looks like a great start to a wonderful vacation.

  11. Oh my gosh you met Helen AND Kellie - I'm in awe! Those shops look so wonderful!


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