
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Market Day 4 Friday

Wowsa has this been an exciting adventure! The rows began at 100 and ended at 2900!! It was massive! So much to see and so much data overload!! I had a list a mile long of things I wanted to see. I did have one good idea before I left home. I brought some white Kona and a fabric pen with me to have some of my favorite designers sign the fabric for me. I made the squares kind of big and had them write in a quarter of the square. Brilliant, huh?? I even had a Neptune square for Tula Pink to sign! I did not take photos of this fabric but I will try to remember to do that and show you. I missed a few but maybe I will be able to go back again and get them next time! I will use the signed squares in a quilt made with either the fabric from the person or a pattern of theirs.
SLC is a beautiful city. This is what we saw on our walk from our hotel to the convention center every day.
Walking to the convention center
Our hotel was about 4 blocks away and it was VERY nice and VERY reasonable.

Now for the 50 cent tour. One of my favorite booths was the Don't Look Now booth by Kellie Wulfson. I adore her work!!! It is so cheerful.
DLK new patternDLKDLK
One of the first rows we went down had Riley Blake. They had all the local Utah designers design a quilt block for this quilt, both sides! They gave us a card and we went to each designer's booth for a stamp. Once it was completed we turned it in for a chance to win the quilt. All the patterns will be available on the All Dolled Up blog, I think this is where they will be. If I find out differently I will let you know.
Here is some of Lori Holt of Oh Cherry fame.

Lori Holt/ Riley BlakeLori Holt/ Riley Blake
Now for some of the celebs (oh, and me, but just really look at them, k?)
Sarah Jane (Michael Miller) adorable fabrics!! Sherbet Pip-ish
Sarah Jane and me

 Cori Blunt of Chitter Chatter Designs.  You should go and check out her blog because her patterns are completely adorable, just like her!
Cori and me

Pat Wys of the Silver Thimble. We have been friends online for some time and I finally got to meet her in person! She has a new book out too.
Me with Pat Wys

Next up was Lynette Anderson. I adore her patterns and was thrilled to finally have the opportunity to meet her. She and her husband, Vince, were so nice. It was like you were talking with old friends. A stand out in the Aussie designers for sure! I finally managed to snag A Kitten's Tale, WOOT WOOT!!
Lynette Anderson and me
I was also lucky to meet the creative genius behind Crabapple Hill, Meg. Her new patterns are fabulous!!
Meg and me
On the blogger side of meetings I snagged a photo with John Adams, aka Quilt Dad. He is one tall guy and very nice.
Quilt Dad and me
I also had the pleasure to meet Konda, from Moose on the Porch.  What a sweetie!!  If you have done the layer cake or Jelly Roll QAL this is the woman that coordinated it all.
Me and Konda

We managed to get to isle 1500 from 9:30am until it closed at 6pm. We then jaunted across the street for a Moda appreciation dinner. Free food and drinks, dancing and loads of great company. After dinner I wanted to go to the Modern Quilt Guild meet up. I was looking forward to seeing Katy (I'm a Ginger Monkey) again (we had finally been able to actually meet earlier in the day when I recognized her). She is the one I gave all my extra tumbler fabrics to. I also made her a"scrap vomit" block, which I couldn't show you as I had used some of Anne Sutton's fabric in it. Apparently my photo is on my home computer so maybe Katy will take a pic and send it to me? and then I can show you! She was hanging out with Heather of House of A La Mode, who most of you probably know. It was fun but brief. Pauline was sitting in the lobby and I felt bad, even though she was talking to someone, I didn't want to stay too long. Meeting Katy felt a bit like meeting an old friend.
Heather, me and Katy
So this is where the big adventure ends until Saturday. I am seriously typing my fingers off to get these ready so they will post on the weekend (no computer, remember??) I hope you are enjoying the trip so far. The last day of the trip is tomorrow. ~XOP



  1. What a great post! I love the Don't Look Now booth! The tree quilt is so cute! Thank you so much for sharing your adventure with us!

  2. How fun to meet so many of the people we read about. I would love to just be able to meet one of those lovely ladies (you included) :0)


  3. Great pictures, and FABULOUS idea to have everyone sign fabric...sooo smart! Thanks for sharing!!

  4. Oh, how I wish I could make a trip to the States one day and be able to join all this fun!!!

  5. Looks like so much fun - I would love to have seen Lori Holt's booth up close and personal!

  6. Awww. Super fun!!!! Thanks for taking us along! I LOVE Crabapple Hill and have several pillows in my house done with Meg's embroidery designs.


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~