
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Market Day 3 Thursday

What was amazing about this day?  SAMPLE SPREE is tonight!!  Before that though, there were some last minute touches on the booth as well as last minute touches on all the Moda designers before their big school house gig.  Moda had a theme, Country Fair.  Each designer created a recipe card that had a recipe for a block that you might find at the Country Fair and a real, food recipe.  They were all given tee shirts and aprons.  Some of the shirts were a little BIGand required a makeover
Barb getting a shirt make over
Me and My Sister
While others...let's just say made nice bibs!(sorry about the blur, but she moves a LOT!)
Moda School HouseModa School House

All the Moda designers got together for a photo before going into the school house to present their block.
  Moda School House
Intro by Lissa Alexander, followed by "Which one of you is going first??"
Moda School House
Hey, don't look over here at us!
Moda School House
Sandy Klop and her Magic beans quilt made from her block.
Moda School HouseModa School House
Here is what the quilt looked like with each designer's block.
Moda School House
When Edtya saw the quilt, with her fabrics, she almost cried, she is such a doll!
Moda School House
She was also the funniest one. She had made a bag with her project and told how her husband would see her going out with a small bag and hand over the credit card thinking that she could not fit much or charge much if that was her bag. Then she turned it out and it became a GIANT bag!! It was very funny. She also made a quilt using her block and her discarded blocks (for the recipe).
Moda School HouseModa School House
When all that fun was over we went back and did some more with the booth and walked around a little bit. Then we went for a bite to eat with the Anne's to Olive Garden. Pauline and I hustled back to get in line for sample spree. They sole 1200 tickets and it was first come first served. Since Anne was going to be in there she had a map of which vendors were where so I made a little cheat sheet while we were at dinner and while P and I were sitting on the floor we made a plan.
Pauline and me waiting for SS
Just look at the line!!
Sample Spree
We were some of the first ones in. Here was our plan. New fabric by Lynette Anderson, Scandinavian Christmas (she had told us there were only 24 bundles),
Sample Spree loot
followed by 1001 Peeps by Lizzy House.
Sample Spree loot
Then off to Don't Look Now and another pattern company that had an adorable pattern mix.
Sample Spree loot
Next was Moda. Got a little bit of Little Apples and Ruby.
Sample Spree lootSample Spree loot
Managed to snag some solids by Pat Bravo too. Half yard cuts. These sure are beautiful!!
Sample Spree loot
Random Spree pics
Sample SpreeSample Spree
ModaSample Spree
WHEW!! This takes you up to the start of market. Is it any wonder I was exhausted already?? Next installment will be the adventures of Friday. ~XOP~


  1. Wow, you did well!! Are you paying wholesale $ for those bundles? I'm loving seeing what everyone's so exciting to know my friends have all the good stuff. Can't wait to see what you make!

  2. Now that is one line I would wait in!! You snag some gooooood stuff!!


    PS - Look at how skinny you are!!

  3. Oh wow it looks like a quilters dream especially sample spree! Thanks for posting! I want the aneela hooey bundle :-)

  4. Looks like some great stuff! I am so happy you had a great time and are able to share with us!
    Thank you so much!


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~