
Friday, May 20, 2011

Market Set Up and Day 2 Stuff

Sorry I am not getting this posted as quickly as you all might like but with no lap top at home and having to actually do my real job when I am at work rather than blog it is taking a long time! If you are just dying to see I finally got all the pictures up on Flickr, so have at it. Be sure to watch the video.

So back to market. Remember that before leaving for market I had some top secret sewing to do? Well I made a quilt for Anne Sutton of Bunny Hill, Pauline made one too. More on that in a minute though. Anne invited Pauline and I go come over on Wednesday and help set up the booth. We worked from 11am until 8pm, a lot of work, but an equal amount of fun. You can see Pauline opening a box and the women in the booth next to the Bunny Hill booth were Me and My Sister (Mary and Barb). They were a lot of fun to get to know over the time we were there. Extremely nice women!
PaulineMe and My Sister
Anne Sutton had her BFF Anne Bryson there to help set up too. She did most of the sewing for Anne. They were funny to watch them interact together, kind of like sisters as well as BFFs. I think Anne B and I did the majority of the actual manual labor, but it was all good. Pauline and AS lifted the air mattress unto the frame and made a big deal about their doing "work", LOL.
Anne and AnnPauline and Ane
The only problem was that the air mattress got a hole (see Anne with her finger in the hole?)
Finger in the air mattress hole!
We ended up pumping that silly mattress up about every 15 minutes. So AS took to the designer touches, like the presentation and how and where quilts should go, and Pauline did some embroidery for Anne.
Pauline "working"
The booth turned out really nice. See that little gray quilt over the chair? That's the one I did!!
Bunny Hill Booth with the AnnesBunny HIll booth
I made a gray version of this quilt with Anne's Puttin' On the Ritz fabrics. This is the quilt before it was quilted and the borders were put on. I ended up having to move the coat (second row from the bottom on the left) which meant ripping out and re-doing (UGH). I never did get a photo of the actual finished quilt but you get the idea.
My Quilt for Market
After we spent the entire day working, Anne treated us to dinner at the Salt Lake Brewing Company. It was a fun night! Barb and Mary joined us for dinner.
That first day was exhausting!
The next day is Thursday and we were invited back to help out and then to attend the Moda School House. That will be the next post along with Sample Spree, so stay tuned!! ~XOP~


  1. Market seems exhausting from all angles! Can't wait for the spree stories!

  2. Oh, what a ball!!! You did have fun and why not - you were in designer, colour, quilter, embroiderers heaven!!!!!! Thank you for sharing.

  3. You're the perfect person to do this - so full of energy, lol! Looks fun!

  4. How fun to hang out with the Anns!! Did your badge say that you were there to do all the hard work? LOL


  5. Small world Pam...the chair where the quilt you sewed for Anne was laying is THE CHAIR I purchased for Anne here in Minneapolis for quilt market last May! Looks like you worked very hard.

  6. Oh how fun for you and Pauline! I love the grey quilt! It looks amazing!


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~