
Monday, June 13, 2011

How Was Your Day

That's right, how was your day?? Mine was supposed to be so much different than it turned out to be.  I was supposed to go out with my friend Cori but I got really ill last night.  My stomach was knotted up and I felt awful.  I called Cori in the am and we decided to plan our adventure tomorrow instead.

So that meant that I had the whole day home, since I went back to bed and didn't get up until 11am!!  I finished the chennille blanket I was working on.  Now on to the binding.  Pics later.  I spent a lot of time persuing swaps on Flickr, which is kind of addicting!

I thought I would let you in on my secret, now that I have permission.  I am so excited to talk about this.  At the bloggers meet up in SLC I had the pleasure of meeting Jacquie of Tallgrass Prairie Studio.  If you are not familiar of her work you should go and check her out.  Anyway.  I was so excited to get a photo with her and she said she was excited to get a pic with me!!  As if!!  Anyway, she called me last week and asked me to be a pattern tester for her!!!!!!!!!  Can you believe it??  I am so excited!!  We end up having so much in common, it was so exciting to actually have an extended conversation with her.  I am so walking on cloud 9.  We may actually be meeting up in Chicago sometime soon.

Next up I need to tell you what I did in a moment of weakness today.  I was watching several Featherweight sewing machines on Ebay and I don't know what came over me, I bid on one!!  I didn't think I would actually win it.  Most of them go for $200 or more.  I got this one for considerably less than that, cas and attachments and all!!  YIKES!!  How amazing is that??  I hope DH doesn't mind.  I guess he should not go out of town eh?

Well I thought I would leave you with some pics of Mosen, laying on the chennille blanket.

Mosen 003

So I am going out with Cori tomorrow and you need to stay tuned for more exciting adventures of tomorrow! ~XOP~


  1. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Ohhhh that is exciting news! Congrats on the new machine too!

  2. hey that is nice to get a featherweight for less than normal! congrats on being a tester too.

  3. Sewing for Jacquie AND a new featherweight! What a day Pam! So very cool!

  4. So I guess you are pretty talented at what you do Missy!!! So lucky!!!

    Great Featherweight find:):)

    I didn't know you could swap fabric on Flickr?!

  5. Awesome on all fronts! Katy (gingermonkey) just bought a Featherweight off eBay for a great deal as well. You'll just love it!

  6. Very cool- Jacquie does so many clever things! How lovely that you got a Featherweight, you will love it - I'm holding out for a treadle, lol!

    Mosen looks awful comfy...

  7. Congrats on being a pattern tester, how fun is that!! Also congrats on getting a feather weight. I love mine....even though I don't use it much...such a sweet stitch.

    I'm glad to hear you are feeling better. Bob caught that awful bug on Saturday and thankfully he didn't pass it on to me.


  8. I've bid on a Featherweight...but it went for over $400. ...a little more than I wanted to spend!
    I read Jacquie's blog and I agree that she does great stuff. Can't wait to see what you all do together.

  9. Well that is very exciting.. I'm not quite sure what it means to be a pattern tester. Maybe you could do a blog post about that. Do they provide all of the fabric for you, and the pattern, and you stitch a quilt for them? I think she couldn't have chosen a more talented quilter.. and the patterns will turn out very fantastic. Your list of things to do will get much longer and more fun!! SEW EXCITING to get a sneak peek before everyone else.. I hope there are still goodies for us to see here :)


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~