
Sunday, June 12, 2011

More Destashing

I hope you are all having a pleasant weekend.  Mine has been kind of low key so far.  I went to Body Pump and Zumba yesterday.  I was rocking out to a song in Zumba when the heel of my shoe caught on the carpet and down I went!  Landed on my butt, fell back and was flat on my back.  How embarassing!!  Of course I was in the front and everyone was facing front at the time so everyone there saw me too.  Of course they did!!  I could have died a thousand deaths.  Good Godfry!!  Yes, I'm ok, just bruised my butt (and my pride) a little bit.  I finished the class.  Interestingly though someone else fell on the same move in another part of the song, at least I didn't feel so bad then.

I managed to plant my second SFG box and still have some plants left over so they will go out to the farm.  I went to a grad party too.  Mostly I was a slug. At least that's how I felt.
I have so much I need to do and just don't really feel like it.  Ever get in that kind of a slump?  Today was better.  I did some more cleaning in the sewing room and came across some things I would like to try to sell.  I could also swap if someone is interested.  Let me know.  Here are pics and prices and if you have any questions, just email me. You pay exact postage.

Panache by Moda. Total of ~3.5 yards $21.00

Giddy by Moda 23" $5

Tweet Tweet by Moda ~1.75 yd $10.00
Tweet Tweet

Verna by Moda ~2yd $12.00

Freebird by Moda ~23" $5.00

That's what I have been up to. Cleaning, organizing, and now blogging. I am learning about my new computer too. Today was the first time I have uploaded pictures to it.
I leave you with an adorable picture of Captain Jack. ~XOP~


  1. tamara4:43 PM

    LOL... bet you made a bunch of people smile today... and at least you can laugh at yourself!

  2. it always makes one feel better if someone else falls or goofs up too :)

  3. Sorry you hurt yourself. I bet (maybe) you are laughing about it now,maybe?!

  4. Congrats on the SFG box. I have all of mine planted, it is getting way too hot here for things to put up with growing much longer. Some things are just shriveling and dying others are taking off. I bought a e-book the other day from that has taught me a great deal about my gardening. I think I will do much better next year as I will start things much sooner. I have learned that I need to start my plants as early as January indoors here so that they will get the start that they need before the weather gets too hot. It is a really wonderful site, and e-book. I learned so much.

  5. Oh dear, sometimes the embarrassment hurts more than the bruises! Lol, how come Captain Jack looks more like he's been doing the Zumba and the destash clean up?!

  6. I hate wipe-outs like that - glad you're ok! Cap'n Jack is adorable!

  7. I'm glad that you didn't get hurt!! Why is it as children we fall and brush it off or run to Mama for some comfort but feel like a big doofus as adults?


  8. Hola! Qué pena su caída! Siempre es mayor la vergüenza que el dolor! Pero lo bueno que Ud. está bien! Me gusta su "limpieza" y todos los productos! Aún están disponibles? Los enviaría a Argentina? Por favor, si me puede decir a vegagladys09 (arroba)! Un abrazo!
    Hello! Too bad his fall! Is always greater than the pain of shame! But how good you are right! I like his "clean" and all products! Still available? Send them to Argentina? Please, if you can tell me vegagladys09 (at)! A hug!


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