
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Giveaway Win and Vintage Sheets

I won a charm pack from Amanda over at A Crafty Fox's blog.  I had the opportunity to meet Amanda in person at spring market this year.  She is such a sweetheart!  You should go and check out her blog.  I won a charm pack of Erin McMorris's Summersault.  I received it in the mail yesterday.
Summersault charm pack

I thought I would talk a little bit about my shopping at the Salvation Army (or as my Canadian friend says, "The Sally Ann". I love to pop in there when I have a minute and look for vintage sheets as well as vintage planters (which I will soon be turning into pin cushions, so stay tuned for more information on that!). It is kind of hit or miss for the sheets. This Saturday I made a major score. I could have bought even more, but I have this personal goal of not spending more than $4 on a sheet set. I did spend more on the one I ended up using for the back of the Dreamy Stars quilt (it was a set). I paid a whole $7 for the 2 sheets! Anyway, I am thinking about cutting some of the sheets up into squares and making a quilt like that...eventually, but first I have to gerbil pile some great linens! I like pillow cases for this as they are small and I can get good variety that way. Also, at the Sally ann near me, on Friday and Sat they choose a tag color and anything with that color tag can be bought in multiples of 5 for $5. If you are looking for silk, wool or linen this is a great place to look, especially at those prices!

Here is my vintage sheet score from Saturday.
Vintage sheet score

The bottom 2 are pillow cases and the top on the right is the set I used for the back of my quilt. Aren't they pretty? Do any of you use vintage sheets in your quilts? If you are a vintage sheet collector, and are looking for some different patterns let me know and maybe we can work out a swap of some sort. Hey, I wonder if there is a Flickr group for that? Swapping vintage sheets, I mean. Well, I'm off to look and see what I can find. I'll let you know if I find anything! ~XOP~


  1. Yes! I love vintage sheets. I too have slowly been squirreling them away. I need to get them all together and see what colors I have and would they make a nice quilt.

    By the way, I have been making pin cushions from vintage planters and have some on my ETSY site. Check them out!!

    Deb from

  2. You better let me know which one you go too, so we don't cross paths, lol! I've used them for years for quilt backs. I love them! I've bought them since I could get them for less than a dollar - they've sure gone up in price.

  3. I started collecting VS's and bought 10 flat/fitted ones recently from a gal. She has a ton!! I am buying 10 at a time due to the high price of shipping. The gal is in CA. I can send you along to her if you like after I pick the rest of mine out from her. Just let me know k.

    Great win btw!!

  4. Hey...I just have to lol...when I see the words "vintage sheets"...Heck-almighty-tarn-nations! I slept on those sheets as a young girl!, now I'm thinkin' I would also be classified as "vintage". Yep, and I'm also thinkin' better than bein' called
    OLD! =P


  5. Oooo pretty!! I've never used a sheet for a back since they are hard to hand quilt through. Sure are pretty though :0)



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