
Monday, July 25, 2011

I Actually Got A Top Finished!

Now then, Saturday was a wash but I finally got some time in my sewing room on Sunday.  DH and DS were off to an air show so I had a few hours to myself and I decided that I needed to get back into my sewing room.  I was dying to get to work on a pattern that I found on the Moda Bake Shop.  It is a Christmas Tree pattern.  I chose to use a snowflake pattern for the background instead of the white they used in the pattern.  I used a charm pack of Flurry to make the HSTs that the pattern called for.  I think making HST with charm squares is so easy.  I don't like trimming all of them though!  Here is my little pile of trimmed HST and all the trimmings!  How do you feel about trumming?
The beginnings of a Christmas treeAll the HST trimmings
I like to use my turning mat when I trim. It seems to make the trimming go better.  Do you like using a turning mat?
I got this to the point where I need the space to lay it out.  Wednesday I will be bringing it to quilting and will lay it out and hopefully sew it there.  I am planning on getting this ready for a Christmas gift.

Since this was at a stopping point I decided that I should work on something else that I had in progress so I pulled out the Dreamy Stars project.  It only needed borders for the top to be finished.  So I decided to go ahead and work on that.  I managed to get the inner and then the outer border on the top and voila, it was finished!!  Now what to do for a backing.  I found 2 really cool vintage sheets to put together and use for the back.  One was a fitted sheet so I had to take the elastic off and cut off the cut ends.  I've been stalking shopping the Salvation Army for vintage sheets, which is where I found the sheets I used for the back of this quilt.

Dreamy Stars top finished

This picture doesn't even do it justice b/c it looks kind of washed out from the bright sunshine, but it is really beautiful! As I set the sheet set down, my quilt model is showing them to you! These are the 2 sheets I ended up using for the back.
Hallie "Helping" me take pictures
So, as you can see, I did manage to get a little bit done this weekend.  Next one to knock off the list is the Jelly Roll QAL quilt.  I hope I will be able to get the tree quilt done on Wed and then on to the JR quilt.  The Ann Arbor Quilt Guild is hosting a quilt university this weekend.  I am signed up to take a class from Suzanne Marshall on Friday.  It is a needle turn applique class.  I hope my hand are going to be up to it!  I took a class from her in Paducah a few years ago and she is an amazing teacher.  I'll keep you posted on these quilts so stay tuned.  ~XOP~


  1. Can't wait to see the tree quilt done in these colors - I did one using the white, needs a tone done. The vintage sheet star quilt is beautiful - I need to thrift shop - love this look. GOrgeous model by the way. Enjoy your class.

  2. Regarding my turning mat - I keep forgetting to use it! And I just finshed trimming a million HSTs. more to go, so I'll try and remember to use it.

  3. Hst's are so fun,I am trying to use some leftovers from another quilt I finished last week. LOVE HSTs.

    Dreamy Quilt is GORgeoUS Pam!! Can't wait to see the backing when it is all pieced together.

    Enjoy your class;)

  4. I am looking forward to seeing your Moda Christmas Tree - I really like that pattern!

  5. Ack - trimming - not fond of it and it's all I'm doing right now, lol! I like the idea of a turning mat, I'll have to look for one. Never mind - just googled it and I'm going to make my own out of a lazy susan, lol! I do have an old mat I can use. Thanks Pam, you're my inspiration today!

  6. Ooooo love the Dreamy Stars quilt!! It's so summery :0) Ahhh the joy of hand piecing, I don't have to square up hst's. I can see where a turning mat would be great for trimming.


  7. I generally don't trim up HSTs... I can work around the uneveness. Don't have a turntable mat but am considering it... WallyWorld is putting some fabric/sewing stuff back in the store (why it was ever taken out in the first place is a puzzle to me) so I'll probably get it there... so nice to have fabric available locally, even if it limited in variety.


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~