
Monday, September 19, 2011

Busy Weekend and Totally Amazing Find

I was super motivated to get some sewing done this weekend.  First, my DH and I went out to dinner with some friends that we had not seen in forever.  My friend Shelby and her DH, and Shelby's sister (also my doctor) and her DH.  We are going to try to make this an every 2 month event.

Saturday saw my butt parked on the couch watching MSU lost to Notre Dame, major bummer.  Good news?  I got June and July embroidered in my Birdie Stitches blocks!
Birdie Stitches JuneBirdie Stitches June
Birdie Stitches JulyBirdie Stitches July 

On Sunday I got them sewn into actual blocks!! I also traced August and September. I got 4 quilts back from LTW and needed to put binding on. I got the binding sewn on by machine to 3 of them and got one of them turned and hand sewn down. I cut out the binding for the fourth one, still need to sew it.    I will get pictures soon for you. I also cleaned, did laundry and grocery shopping!

Now for the amazing find. I stumbled upon a new to me blog The Scientific Seamstress. Have you heard of her? She has the cutest Periodic Table of Sewing elements. You so need to go and take a look! I don't know her personally so didn't want to copy it here but there is a link on her blog and you can print it from there. I can tell you she has me as her newest follower. (Y'all know I'm a scientist too right?)

So there you have it! My weekend in the Reader's Digest condensed version! ~XOP~


  1. Wow! I love your blocks Pam! I have had to put mine on hold so I can get my brother's cross stitch project(Footprints in the Sand) done by Oct 1! The Scientific Seamstress site is really cool! I'd say you two have a lot in common!

  2. Great blocks!! What is better with football than stitching? LOL!

  3. Cutie patootie blocks and OH you too Pam!

    I printed off her periodic table,just need me a frame for it! She has a cool blog eh?!

  4. wowsa - that is a LOT of hand stitching!!! AND binding, too?!? my hands ache for you!

  5. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Love the blocks too! you were vey busy between household chores.
    Thanks for the link; i gor very distracted by that sewingroom. So organised and such beautiful fabrics!! I wonder if i can talk my family into moving to my small sewingroom so can take over the livingroom??
    Annemiek (still can't comment with my googleaccount!)

  6. such cute tweeties!



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