
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Surprise, You've Got Mail!

I just have a minute to share.  Do you remember that I went to the MSU football game 2 weeks ago and the tailgate the College of Natural Science put on?  We went to the tail gate and we signed up for the raffle they were having.  There were a LOT of people.  Now fade into yesterday and look what I found when I went into my house
Box that showed up on my doorstep

I thought my DH had ordered something but no, it had my name on it as well as Biomedical blah, blah, blah. Oh no, I thought, something from work. Then I read it came from East Lansing and I realized I won the BIG prize!!!

An amazing signed photo of the statue of Sparty that is on MSU's campus!!! I walked by him every day I went to school there!! I am thrilled!!
Spartan photo
I also got a cool shirt, a pen, a window cling, a little pin and a really nice key chain (which DS promptly took, and I plan to covertly take back heheheh).
Spartan Loot

All this for a person that never wins anything!! YIPPEE!! ~XOP~


  1. Congratulations on your fantastic win! WTG!!!

  2. Go spartans! I lived in the Monte House on MAC for a year of my life!!

  3. Yeay!! Winning stuff is always fun!! Congrats!

  4. Yeah you!!!Always fun to win. Congrats!

  5. Way to go! How fun is that!

  6. well ... okay, then ... congratulations!

    er ... is that an Amber Alert that i see in Flickr? she (he?) is a lovely looking puppy dog ... aw, come on - you KNOW i'm gonna look ahead!

  7. barbara kibler8:41 PM

    congrats to you would probably be better if it was a wolverine! :)

  8. Congrats on the win! Isn't it 'bad' that you have to nick stuff back from your kids, he he?

  9. Yay - you're a winner - congratulations Pam!

  10. Just popped in. Saw your name commenting at Moda Bake Shop. Congrats on the win!


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