
Tuesday, September 06, 2011

The Cat is Home Now

You remember that saying?  When the cat's away the mice will play?  Well, my DH is home so no more playing for me.  I'm thinking that next time he goes somewhere I may need to do some painting!  HA, he is going to be afraid to go anywhere!!  He had a great time in Canada and he looked all scruffly when I picked him up.  It took a good chunk of my time to drive to get him and get back home, but worth it!

I made it out to JAF to see if any additional Sugar Creek fabrics were available and found two more prints. Unfortunately there was a power outage and I couldn't check out! I had to go back the next day and get them. I just need 4 more to have the whole line. I am picking them up for two other friends too.

Newest DS

The visit with my friends was so nice!  They stayed for a few hours and it was great to see them and catch up.  Apparently it has only been 2 years since we saw them. I saw them at my son's grad party, but I was so busy with food and all I don't think I talked with anyone for very long!  In any case, I think we need to see each other more frequently!

Lest you think I was not working on anything I want to assure you that I was.  I finished another Christmas tree top and am sending it to Liz today for quilting.  I didn't get any pictures b/c it was night time when I finished last night.  I also got the back finished to the little left over squares quilt and am sending that one too.  I hope to have it finished soon so I can send it along to MHC with the Halloween top for the 100 Quilts for Kids.  Are you participating?  They are also looking for sponsors if anyone is interested in that.  I did manage to finish binding 2 Thimbleberries projects too.  A small wall hanging and a table runner.  I will take photos soon.

I was pretty happy with my productivity this weekend.  I got into 2 more swaps too.  I am lovin' this swappin!  You know who wasn't productive?  These two.

Mosen and AidenMosen and Aiden (2) 

Wouldn't it be great if all brothers and sisters got along this well? It seems like all the cats are finding their way back to how they acted before we had our dog. I don't know if that is good or not. Both DH and DS want another dog. *sigh*  I'm sure it will happen, but we were so spoiled with the last one.  I just don't want to jump right in to another dog.  DH had expected we would have one when he got home!

Have a wonderful day and we'll talk soon! ~XOP~


  1. I love quilting kitties... you've certainly been busy!

    I'm going to hold off on getting a puppy until I retire and can spend more time with it...

  2. So, all the misschief you did while your DH was gone was CLEAN??? (okay, and you had some friends over) Girl you really need to learn how to be BAD! *lol*

  3. No rush on a new dog as the 'right' one is sooo important. The kitties look contented and maybe it's because they are comforting each other now Laxy isn't around. They might 'need' another dog too after living with one?

  4. Yep, he's going to be afraid to leave, lol - glad he's back safe and sound. Oh Pam, more swaps - your energy is astounding!

  5. You have been busy. No I am not participating in the 100 quilts for kids, the reason why, I donate quilts to Frontier Missions every year. I finished three quilts I will donate and hope to get them posted on my blog soon.

  6. Those two prints are beautiful Pam!!


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