
Saturday, September 03, 2011

I Know How To Have FUN!

I sure do!  DH has been away in Canada all week and I took the day off yesterday and cleaned the carpet!!  HAHA, boy do I know how to have fun eh?  I did the entire family room, the upstairs hallway and then I was out of solution.  I ran over to Cori's house and we worked on some ideas for her blog so check it out and let us know what you think.  Then off to the store for some more solution so I could do the steps.  WHEW, so much work but it looks so good!

I took a few pics of some recent swaps I have received so thought I would share those while I am waiting for my friends to show up. I swapped out some Henna Garden for this:
Unicorn Swap

I swapped some more and got these. SWEET!!
Munki Swap 01Munki Swap 02
Some friends are coming over and I haven't seen them for sooo long like 4 or 5 years!! I hope they arrive soon. We are going to get some food (my favorite Chinese) and I'm starved!

I leave you with these pics of my goofy cats that were "helping" me clean.
Mosen and AidenMosen and Aiden
I had just cleaned all the cat hair off that chair. Oh well. Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend everyone. My sweetie comes home tomorrow night and I am so excited to see him!


  1. Great fabric swaps. Gosh, must be the feline thing - mine gravitates to the 'just cleaned' spot, too.

  2. Your sweetie will think he's in the wrong house, he he.
    Great fabric swaps! It's been a long time since I've seen a proper unicorn with the cow tail and the goat like hooves - only thing missing is the goat 'beard' under the chin, but maybe they are young unicorns :). I'm interested to know what you will be doing with the other fabrics with all those animals, circus marquees, camper vans and people. Lol, just picking your brain for ideas!
    As for the cosy cats, well - it's a cat thing!

  3. When the Mister is away, the Mrs will play... sounds like you're having a great time, despite the carpet cleaning!

  4. I knew you'd get up to mischief, lol - the pic of the kitties is so cute!

  5. Yikes carpet cleaning! Enjoy the chinese meal! LOL

  6. I need to clean our carpets before the snow flies too. It always looks so fresh and lovely once it's done. How sweet and innocent the cats look LOL.


  7. YEAY!!! You got all your carpet cleaning done and I am sure the house is lookin' quite nice!

    Enjoy the Chinese food and your friends!

  8. well...I've not had Chinese food at "your" place. But, there is a chance the Chinese food at MY place is better... =P

    I'm thinkin' that your cats know how to have "fun" too. Sometimes, that's just the kind of fun I need. =)

    Hope you had a grrr-ATE time whithin' YOU friends!


  9. I loved hearing about your kittys.. my MiMi would chase them all around your house.
    I'm interested in your friends you haven't seen for five years.. there must me a story behind the five years.. would love you to share..


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