
Thursday, September 01, 2011

Just a Quickie

Noooo, not *that* kind of a quickie, a quickie post silly!  I have a quilt top to share with you.  Here's it's story.  My friend, Ellen, gave me this already cut out and ready to sew as a birthday present.  I knew I would never get to it and Liz was talking about her mom making a million tops and how she had to cut kits for her and DING the light went on.  I brought her that kit so fast!!  As much as I love Halloween I just knew I would not get to it and I was feeling terribly guilty about that so voila, match made in heaven!  It isn't perfect, but bless her heart it's done!  I'll take finished over perfect any old day! 
Halloween StarsHalloween Stars
It is destined to be part of the "100 Quilts For Kids" that Kate is hosting over here. If you haven't heard about it hop on over to Kate's and read all about it. What a great way to get some quilts done and help someone at the same time. I did another little top that I will quilt and donate as well. Most likely they will both go to Margaret's Hope Chest.

Last night after quilting I went over to Crazy Quilt Girl's house to share a bottle of wine I picked up for us. I thought I was so clever, what do you think?

HAHA She sells Moda and they had a line called Bliss. Which, actually, was the state we were in by the end of the night together!! I am planning on going back tonight (probably sans the wine) to help her with her blog. We are going to pep it up so stay tuned and let us know what you think!

Stop over to her blog or her FB page and say "HI"!! "Hi Cori" Waving hands...see you tonight!! ~XOP

Cori and Bliss


  1. Darling quilt, enjoy your evening - love the name of that wine!

  2. The quilt is nice, the pattern looks very 'old fashioned' and cosy. Love the wine you found! Very appropriate :).

  3. A great solution for that kit and it will be sooooo loved by a child!!


  4. okay...that bottle of wine needs to be a "keepsake". I's okay if it's EM-tee!

    But, do you remember (maybe you're too young to re-mem)when they used to take the empty bottles of wine, "glue" it to a board or dish with melted wax? Then, they would set the a stick candle in the top, light it up and let it melt, dripping down the sides of the bottle? o...themz were the dayz! I didn't drink the wine, tho. just used the empty bottles OTHER people gave me.



Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~