
Friday, September 23, 2011

My Fingers Are Sore!

They are not sore from disciplining our new darling, but from my feeble attempts at hand quilting.  I started this little project and then literally gave it to a friend that loves to hand quilt.  She did an excellent job on the feather border and the feathers in the inner circle.  I got it back and thought that the fans needed to be quilted in too.  I didn't want to ask her to do it so I sat down and did one whole circle of fans (there are 4 of them) as I watched TV last night.  Those fans in one circle took me 2 and a half hours!!!  I love how it looks though, so thought I would share (no laughing now).
From the front

From the back
Here is one of the circles I did from the back too (again, no laughing!)

Boy oh boy are my fingers sore now though. One from pushing the needle through and the underneath one from being stuck! I did get the binding sewn down on this one too, so just 3 fans to go and I will be completely finished with this one. I am thinking that I will work on it during the MSU football game this weekend. That ought to get me through at least one more fan. I did my stitching without a hoop and I like quilting that way much better.

When DH and I went to the MSU game a few weeks ago, the folks putting on the tailgate from the College of Natural Science at MSU went around and took pictures of people attending the tailgate. They snapped one of me and my DH and I thought I would share it with you since it is not too hideous of me! We were all decked out in our green and white. You can see his braces are even in green!
Me and Chris
So the question for today is do you use a hoop or no hoop to hand quilt? ~XOP~


  1. I don't use a hoop or thimble when I hand quilt, but I do it enough that I have great calluses.

  2. I have a big PVC floor frame. I wish I didn't need a frame, because my back get's a bit sore sitting up to it. I don't need a thimble anymore as my finger at this point seems to have built up a callous.

  3. Your hand quilting looks great. I haven't done much myself but found that I much prefer stitching without a hoop.

  4. i tried hand quilting ONCE - when my youngest son was brand new (he's 29 now) and it was AWFUL ... oops ... i lied ... TWICE - i did take a hand quilting class (failing grade in that one, lemmetellya) - i am always amazed by anyone who can hand quilt, with or without a hoop!

  5. Nice quilting! And nice picture of you and your DH! (i'm in Shelby Twp. :-) Jave a good weekend==GO GREEN!

  6. You are too hard on yourself Pam. IT LOOKS FANTASTIC!!!

  7. Your quilting looks wonderful - no laughing required. I use a hoop for most hand quilting.

  8. Anonymous1:34 PM

    You ARE too hard on yourself; I agree with Sara. It looks great! And handquilting is just time consuming like all handwork.
    You should use 2 thimbles next time: one for the finger underneath the quilt and one on top.It feels like quilting with boxing gloves at first. It takes a little time to get used to the feeling of being "thimbled up". I sometimes find myself still wearing my thimbles when I'm in the car!
    I always use a hoop. First I put the quilt in really tight and then push with my hand in the middle of the hoop to "loosen" it. My teacher told me it should be comfortable for a cat to sleep in. That horrified me (cat on a quilt!) but you'll love that..*lol*
    Handquilting is soooo relaxing! really!
    Annemiek (who can't machinequilt)

  9. Beautiful quilting! Have you tried Poke-A-Dots? They wouldn't feel too clumsy but still protect your fingers! Love the quilt though, this one is going to be a stunner!

  10. You are looking good girl! I haven't hand quilted in years but when I did I used a hoop. I could not imagine doing without one.

  11. I use a hoop. Or did the one time I did hand quilt. Good pic of you and hubs.

  12. Your quilting is looking fine MS!! I use a hoop when I hand quilt!
    Good photo of you and hubby! 8-)

  13. Great picture of the two of you! So far I haven't hand sewn anything but everything I embroider I start out with a hoop and end up not using one! Your hand quilting looks amazing!

  14. Your quilting looks great Pam! I am very new and when I finally start on Single Girl, I'm going to try a half hoop as recommended by a friend. Yes, one more option.

  15. When I handquilt I do not use a hoop.


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~