
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Baby In The House!

No, not a baby, baby, a puppy baby!  YEP we got a puppy yesterday.  She is most adorable!  The CEO of the company my DH works for was looking for a home for their 9 month old Golden Retriever and we just happened to be looking for a dog (and by we I mean DH and DS).  She is housebroken and has had some dog training.  So without further fuss here is the new baby!
Amber 01

Amber 02Thadd and Amber 

Isn't she just the most adorable? She is trying to figure out the cats (who don't really like her very much and have decided that they are not so happy to have a dumb dog back in the house, thank you very much!) Previously, she had lived her life on Mackinaw Island so she is terrified of cars (there are no cars on the island). She knows how to sit and stay and this morning when I was making my lunch for today she was sitting close by and I flipped her some lettuce and she ate it!! The spinach as well. No carrots if you please though!

I just wanted to share out joy with you all. Have a great Wednesday!! ~XOP~


  1. Congratulations on the new addition! And who will name the baby?

  2. Precious puppy! Welcome to the family, gorgeous!

  3. Potty trained? SCORE!! She is a beauty!! She looks the same color as my Ginger baby. Sweetie pie!

  4. Wow... what a beautiful puppy! And already potty-trained? Double wow!

    Welcome to your new family, cutie pie! Stay close to mommy and those mean ole cars won't bother you!

  5. Well how wonderful for you. The young lady that works in our office has a golden retriever. Quite loving dogs. You will have a companion for sure.

  6. aww what a pretty girl she is! Im sure we will see more of her in the future (at nine months, im sure it will be because of all the messes and quilting disasters she caused!)

  7. She's adorable!! How fun to have a new puppy. One of my Snickerdoodle's favorite things to eat is lettuce. She will even quit playing ball (fetch) if I'm making salad hoping she will receive a piece of lettuce - lol!

  8. What fun! Give her a scratch from me!

  9. Congrats on your new PUPPY LUV =).


  10. Congrats on your new family member! Goldens are exceptional dogs!! :-)

  11. She's lovely! I find female dogs more friendly than male dogs but also more protective.

  12. awwwwww!!! she IS a sweetie!!!

    i used carrots to train Ebony - she was getting too fat on dog biscuits - sometimes i really miss my little girl...

  13. Aawwww... she is gorgeous. And looks so happy - as well she might in her new home :)

  14. Congrats!! She's beautiful, enjoy. ;->


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