
Wednesday, October 05, 2011

100 Quilts for Kids

YIPEE I got both of my quilts finished!!  I put a little stamp on them so anyone who knows will know they were made by me.  Wanna see them?

Little Flower

Flower quiltBack of flower quilt

Farm Tumbler
Farm Tumbler quiltBack of farm tumbler

Here is the little stamp

My stampMy stamp

These two beauties will be on their way to Margaret's Hope Chest (hopefully on Friday) for the 100 Quilts For Kids.  Please consider making a donation to your local charity for a child and join in the fun!

I am working furiously on a second chenille blanket. Got the first one all finished, popped it in the wash last night and the dryer this morning. Will take pics tonight. The second one is kind of a surprise, I can show you some peeks but not the whole thing until it goes to it's new home! Then I just found out 2 more people in the lab are expecting! I have one chenille done and put away, so just one more of those for gifts, but I got stuff to make 2 Halloween ones (so dang cute!!)

I really need to finish a quilt top for a friend that I began so that is priority #1 for the weekend. Need to finish my star block too for the Star QAL at Moose on the Porch. My block will be the fourth one so keep watching for it! I have to write something about myself too, I have no idea what you might like to know. Questions welcome!! LOL   ~XOP~


  1. They are great! We received them yesterday!
    Thanks for all your support!!!

  2. Hurray for finishing both quilts. I have a few at my house that need to be bound... :)


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