
Thursday, October 06, 2011

Chenille for As Far As The Eye Can See

I have been a chenille making fool!  I finally finished the blanket for the baby shower I have to go to tomorrow!  I have only used bright colors in the past but I love how the pastel came out!
Although the colors are not true in this pic.
Chenille for Ana Paula's baby

They came out better in the up close photo though
Chenille up closeLabel
I used yellow for the base then green, blue and pink flannel. The top color is predominant, isn't it? I have three more to do for gifts then 2 Halloween ones just b/c I think they will be cool! Those are going to have to wait though. I have one finished and waiting for a baby, now I know where it will go, then I basted another girly one last night so can begin sewing soon. The third one is in progress. Here are a few sneak peeks
In ProgressIn Progress
This one is kind of a secret so I have to just show a little peek of it.

Tonight I am going to try making the apple pie filling and canning it and also caramel apple jam. DH is going to help me so it should be a fun filled night at my house!! LOL ~XOP~


  1. How pretty... I've not seen one of these before! Is it hard to make the chenille blanket?

  2. Wow, it looks great! And, ummmm... caramel apple jam?! YUM! :)

  3. Love your new banner! Your chenille baby blanket is adorable!

  4. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Looks promising! Are you covered in threads and snips yet *lol*
    You made me hungry; to keep my waistline, I'll go and eat an apple (from my own tree!) and think of caramel while eating it :)

  5. That is really pretty, I've not tried that yet - looks fun!

  6. Love it! I'm seen this before but have never made one. Would you consider a tutorial, and how much flannel does it take, a specific type of flannel?

  7. Oh but that must be a very soft baby blankie! Ver nice! I shall have to try making one sometime for my first grand-baby... Thanks for sharing! 8-)


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