
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Blogger's Quilt Festival 2011

That's right it's Blogger's Quilt Festival time.  Amy has hosted this amazing festival for the past little while and if you haven't heard about it be prepared to be blown away by all the inspiration out there!  We are supposed to choose one quilt to share with everyone and tell the story behind the quilt.  I had the amazing opportunity to be the person selected to put together a very special quilt.  A group of Flickr peeps got together, virtually and everyone was assigned a color.  The block style was chosen and we all went to work.

Here is my block.
Project Special Delivery

My friend Pauline made a block also.

Project Special Delivery

OK I've teased you enough here is the entire quilt!

Project Special Delivery

I chose the layout and put the top together, my friend Liz did the quilting and my friend Pauline embroidered the label and did the binding. Know who we sent it off in the mail to? Heather Ross!!! She was expecting her first baby and we thought it would be perfect for her. We had to use some of Heather's fabric in our block too. Here is the label and you can see the quilting better here too.
Project Special Delivery
I designed the label and the saying was one of Heather's. Pauline did a great job hand embroidering the label too.

I hope you have enjoyed my quilt and the story that goes along with it. Thanks for stopping by!!



  1. So nice to revisit this quilt with the lovely story behind it.

  2. I really really really want to try making a quilt like this after seeing yours, its soooo pretty and bright!

  3. I love that the three of you worked together to quilt this for another quilter! LOVE it!! :)

  4. It is a generous and sweet quilt and story Pam - just like you!!!

  5. Wonderful pick Pam---this is the sweetest one you have done yet;)

  6. The quilt is so awsome. I love it

  7. Lovely, lovely, lovely!

  8. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Pam that's one awesome quilt!

  9. I love it, so bright and cheery!!

  10. Gorgeous and how inspired to send it to Heather Ross!

  11. I love the colours and the scrappiness of it - will surely delight a growing baby! Just love it!

  12. What a great story. The quilt is fabulous. Heather is very lucky.

  13. Absolutely FABULOUS!!!!!!!!

  14. Wow! What a fun quilt!

  15. Anonymous11:08 AM

    o yes,it's a lovely quilt!! Love the story too :)and i will check out the bloggers festival..

  16. So beautiful! I love this quilt. Things arranged in a rainbow are my favorite!

  17. Greetings from Hungary! I really like your Quilted. I love the color. The stapling is very nice.

  18. I like how it's arranged by rainbow colors. Really cool!

  19. what a great quilt! i love the arrangement and the fact that you gave it to heather ross is so fun. i'm sure she appreciated it! the quilting is fabulous and the blocks are excellent. what a fun quilt to be a part of! =)

  20. nice quilt--so bright and colorful. fun to do it with friends. thanks for sharing and have a great day

  21. this is an amazing quilt


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