
Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Halloween 2011

Well as most of you already know I LOVE Halloween!!  We have had many parties over the last few years too and this year was a great party.  I thought I would share a few photos with you although there are a ton more on my Flickr account.

Some of you may recognize this space as my sewing room, but it is really my living room and was covered in party fixins' before the party.

Living room

You can see the part of the living room I usually face as I sew all cleaned up too.

living room (2)

This was our dessert table.

desert table

The voo-dough dolls were new for me this year and who doesn't love some cat poop cookies? (Apparently no one liked them as I had a TON left over!! haha)

Voo Dough dollscat poop cookies

I guess I should say, "Welcome to my home!" As you walk up this is what you see. 

My House

Frankenstien's monster visits us every year and always has those same clothes on!!
The living room is what you see as you enter the house and you have already seen that in the previous pictures. If you close the door and turn around though this is what you will see. That beautiful quilt was done by my friend, Faith, who lives in the UK. Witchy Woo and Hallie the cat. Amazing. Used that zombie tape to keep the guests downstairs!!

taped up

As you walk from the living room into the eating area/kitchen you will see this table on the right, full of cake pops and witch's hats.

Witch's hats

and my kitchen table on the left

food table

Where you can peek through into the family room. Didn't all that food look good??
Oh and there were some drinks too, this was the inside group of them.


A few guests

Colleen, Marsha and AnnaMason

And my beautiful co-hostess in the family room

The foxThe fox
Now wasn't that a LOT of fun? I hope you come back soon. I have some more quilty stuff to share with you and I am trying to decide if I want to do the blog every day deal again for the month of November. I have done it for the last 2 years and it is a lot of work!! Help me decide! ~XOP~


  1. Oh my goodness - I love it -cat poop cookies - hysterical but not surprising that plenty were left! What a hoot!

  2. What fun -- the cat box "cookies" caught my eye right off the bat. Yuc...errrr, I mean, yum! LOL! :)

  3. Lots of goodies and great decor... you need to invite me next year!


  4. you go all out don't you lady?!! Looks like a lot of fun!

  5. Looks like fun! I did the November blog everyday last year along with you. I remember how hard it was, signed up. Not sure if I will do as well this year or not.

  6. Wow you do love Halloween. Everything looks great and those tables of food, WOW!!! Looks very fun!


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