
Friday, October 07, 2011

What Do You Do On Your Day Off?

Well, let me tell you what I did today!  I got up around 6:30 and Cori (Crazy Quilt Girl) came and picked me up, then we went to pick up Quilting Queen.  We were headed to Checker to pick up some stuff Cori had ordered.  I bought a few things but it is too late to take any pictures so you will have to see them tomorrow.  I thought we would be going out for lunch but we ran out of time!

You see I had a dentist appointment at 2:30 to put on my permanent crown and it is 30 minutes away.  BUT...before I left for the dentist I had to stop at the grocery store to get some of the ingredients to make Buffalo Chicken Dip and wrap a baby shower present and eat lunch before I had to leave.

We saw these amazing rows of Kona while at Checker.  I really wanted a bolt of each one!
Rows of KonaRows of Kona
As it turned out we stopped for the ingredients I needed for the dip, then my friend dropped me off at home around 1:30. I made the dip, wrapped the gift and headed out. Stopped for a quick bite on the road, and went to get my crown put on. Off to the baby shower. That pretty pastel chenille blanket? That was the baby gift along with some burp pads I made a long time ago. She loved the blanket!
Me and Ana Paula

Isn't she just so adorable? While at the shower the wife of one of the post docs in my lab expressed her interest in learning to quilt. I would be so thrilled to be able to help her, but she is expecting a baby and has a 4 year old so I'm not sure how much time she is actually going to have!

Several people have asked me to share a tutorial for the Chenille blanket. If you are interested, you can check out my tutorial for it here. I have had several people ask for the Caramel Apple Jam recipe. I will try to take some pictures tomorrow when I make another batch and I will post about it, with photos and the recipe soon.

I have a LOT of other stuff to share with you so I will stop for now and continue tomorrow.  ~XOP~


  1. What a wonderful baby shower gift Pam = lucky, lucky Mom to be!!

  2. so many yummy colors----- ah that would be killing me!!

    You have been a busy lady indeed!

    Such a terrific pic of Ana and you together;)

  3. What a sweet picture of you and Ana.
    And I love that chenille quilt!

  4. Oh yes I'll take a bolt of every Kona, lol. Cute pic of you two!

  5. What a busy day! But a lovely gift for a baby.

  6. I would have a REALLY hard time leaving that fabric in any time limit. I think a full day devoted to oogling the pretty fabric would be in order, oh and a hefty bank account I felt good about would be nice too. Cuz I would be leaving with lots.

  7. Well that was a full day. I have made a chenille rug for my guest room and I did have a lot of fun with it. I would probably get the special cutters if I made another project though because I managed to cut a little slit in the very back fabric. I would love your Carmel Apple Jam recipe. Just picked up apples and plan on making applesauce and apple butter tomorrow.

  8. Sweet baby quilt! I'll be watching for that jam recipe, with my foot a tappin'! :)

  9. Where did you order your labels from?


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