
Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Block 4 of the FQ Star QAL

I have the last leg of the journey home to tell you about but I am so short on time at the moment (work is killing me!!) so I'm just going to direct you over to Moose on the Porch for my star block!!!  Yes it is finally up and I'm interested to know what you think and what you think of the directions too.  Here is what the block looks like too.

And here is the link to the tutorial or under the tutorial section of my blog too.

Fiseta star

I promise to be back tomorrow with the tail end of our trip (lots of driving) and a few quilt shops too
= )

I plan to take some photos (if I can ever leave work) of the things I bought so I hope you will come back!!

I have that annual check up that all us girls look forward to after work so fingers crossed the light holds up for those photos!! ~XOP~


  1. I have just printed out your instructions. I am going to start these blocks soon. I need 6 more fat quarters and want to have them all available before I start to be sure of what fabric I want to use in each block. Did I miss block three along the way? I could not find it.

  2. I love that block. I follow Moose's blog; but, am not doing the QAL. However, I had to download that pattern because it's just way too cute! I've always been a fan of star blocks anyway. :-)

  3. Love the block! I got mine finished already, I just need to upload it to the flikr group. Thanks for the great instructions!

  4. I think your block is *awesome*! It looks so tricky -- until you study it and break it down. Yours is marvelous and I love your fabrics! :)


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~