
Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Rest of The Trip

We got on the road around noon and so headed out from NY to MI.  We went a little way before stopping at our first quilt shop, The Quilted Crow, in Lehighton, PA.  This was a very nice shop with some very nice ladies!


I bought a little something there and as I was checking out my DH put a calendar up on the counter (he gets me one every Christmas, so I guess he figured this would work!)

Back on the road we went. Next stop was Rose of Sharin in Danville, PA. I thought this was a nice little shop too.


Then we decided we needed to do some driving and get to our hotel. We drove to Watsontown PA to the Watson Inn.  We just looked the Inn up online and thought it looked nice.  We arrived at night time so please excuse the dark photos.


It is right along the Susquehanna river, so we walked from main street down to the river I took some night time photos but it was even more beautiful during the day.
We walked along the park and stopped to swing on porch type swing that faced the river. All we needed was a quilt to snuggle under and it would have been even more perfect!


We got up in the morning at ate at the local diner (the D &D Diner) and the food was fantastic! Of course I forgot to take a photo of the food, so sorry! We got on the road and headed out to our next quilt shop. Problem was we would arrive there before they were open. Luckily there was a model train shop nearby that was open! So we went there first and then to Our Gathering Place next. It is located in Montoursville,PA. What a nice shop! Loads of Civil War and reproduction fabrics.


Next stop Jersey Shore PA at Inspirations quilt shop. I didn't end up buying anything in the shop but it was a nice little shop with very friendly people in it! Loved this blue and yellow quilt!


OK so the very last stop before flat out driving for home was Bellefonte, PA. This was a beautiful historic old town with a road so steep I have never seen the like of it! I didn't get a photo but we were going almost straight up!! It was crazy. I have no idea how anyone would do that in the winter! There was a great little antique mall there and we managed to pick up a few things there too. I still need to get pictures for you though, darned daylight savings time and those short days here in MI!!


So the rest of the trip was uneventful but we got home and it is always good to be home! I hope you have all enjoyed my little trip. Thanks for coming along. I hope we can do it again next year and visit some new and different shops along the way.

I told DH I should be on my own show for the Travel Channel, Quilt Shops along the back roads! Sadly, he told me no one would watch it! Oh well a girl can dream eh?

Have a wonderful day and we will talk soon! ~XOP~


  1. Hey, I think that a travel quilt show would be fantastic! There are so many quaint little shops just overlooked - what fun that would be. Glad you had a safe trip home.

  2. Thanks for sharing your travels with us, there's loads of eye candy (and maybe some hot tips for a future road trip!).

  3. Haha! *I* would watch your Quilt Shops Along Back Roads show. I bet you'd be surprised how many other quilters would too!! I've loved your trips posts -- so much fun! :)

  4. I agree with Denise on watching the show!!

    Glad you are home safe and sound.

  5. I have enjoyed your(our) trip immensely! Thanks for taking us along! It was so much fun! I think you would have quite a huge following for your TV show! It would be lots of fun!

  6. Fun reading about this trip! We used to live in Watsontown and loved the park on the river. Have shopped in Danville and Montoursville. Thanks for the trip down memory lane!

  7. Is he crazy? How many quilters are there? I think it sounds like a great idea!

  8. ...oh, oh, oh! I would watch! What a great idea!!!

  9. I think it would be a great show. Show us the way! Cannot wait to see your buys!

  10. I'm so jealous....the pics are wonderful and it just looks like a great time.


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~