
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Can You Guess Yet??

So first an update on my finger, and bruised ego.  I have survived.  I am not happy with the dog but I am determined to make this work.  I have the name of a great trainer and will be checking into him after the holidays.  Enough said. 

I have been working on my project that I have been asking you to guess about too.  A couple of you have guessed correctly!!   My colors are anything but traditional! LOL, but the design certainly is.  Here is the next step.

Next Step

There is one more row and then the "rest of the story", so to speak. Any guesses?? ~XOP~


  1. Are you making a Christmas Tree Skirt? I love all the Ruby fabric.

  2. That is so pretty!!! Good luck with the doggie and glad your finger is healing! Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. P.S. Your kitty is so pretty!

  4. OH wow Pam I love it..... this is stunningx

  5. It looks like it is going to be a very pretty turkey or maybe a tree skirt!

  6. I can sense your steely determination and assertive attitude. Good for you!! This will work because of them. You don't even need luck anymore. :)

  7. I'm glad to hear you're surviving... and that you've found the name of a good dog trainer.

    Wishing you and yours a very happy Thanksgiving!

  8. Such beautiful pieces!! I can't wait to see what the final step is!! Happy Thanksgiving! :)

  9. I would think it is a turkey! Fitting for "Turkey Day"


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~