
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I Was Going To Write A Post But...

EDITED:  Just wanted to let you all know that I am OK.  Went to Urgent care and got a steri strip put on, a tetnus shot (OUCH) and some antibiotics and pain medicine.  We were trying to teach her not to snarl when we take a bone from her, then to come and such.  She thinks she is alpha.  She is NOT!  She will learn or she will have to go.  On a side note she is being very well behaved this morning so there is that.  I am off to Jim's funeral this morning.  Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!

My dog has decided to be a bone head and she bit my pointer finger on my right hand. We gave her a bone today and she growled at us and snarled.  So we were working with her and after much training, I guess she had enough.  Not sure how I feel about this.  If she is going to hate me she may have to go especially if she is going to be aggressive.  I might be going to the urgent care tonight, not sure.  Hopefully back to posting tomorrow.  I will let you know how it goes.  ~XOP~


  1. You need to read about the dog whisperer, Cesar Milan. Take away all the dog's toys, don't give the dog any food or treats until he's sat calmly for 30 secs. You have to be the leader. He's challenging you. You don't let him through any door first. You go first. Make him heel. No running ahead. Tire him out too. Him biting you is definitely a 'you must take action' time. It doesn't mean he's a bad dog. He's a frustrated dog trying to be leader in a human world. You have to take charge so he can calm down and relax. Dog Whisperer is on National Geographic channel on tv. He's written many books. Get one. Good luck.

  2. He may also be hurting somewhere. A visit to the vet to rule that out might be a good idea.

  3. Ouch!!!...and he was so good at the Halloween party.

  4. Oh I got you beat on this one. I was swatting flies the other day. My doggies does NOT like the fly swatter for some reason. I had my back turned and my dog was going crazy barking.. I didn't realize how close my doggy was until he bit me in the back of my leg..really close to the butt.. I have a bruise the size of a baseball. Oh man it hurts. Every time I sit down!

  5. Oh no, Pam! I'm so sorry this happened... if you even THINK your finger might get infected, head right to the doctor! I know I don't need to tell you this... you're a big girl... but the momma in me takes over sometimes... *lol*

    Hope it's not too painful!

  6. You need to take away that bone when the dog does that. Don't give it back for a few days either. You need to teach the dog you are the alpha in the family. I had one (out of 4) that would grow and attack everyone else at the food bowls. I would grab the back of his neck, ( to keep him from reaching the others) Yell NO at the same time, then tell him to sit. Then I would make him watch everyone else eat. Then and only then he could eat. After 3 times, he got the hint, and quit. Now he lays there and watches all the girls eat, and shares bowls with all of them.

  7. Oh Im so sorry to hear that Pam, Jim old dog Tam used to be agressive and very protective of her bone, believe me, the dog and me had a few rows over it, but unfortunately to some dogs this is their naughty nature around food and sometimes you have to leave them to it. My mum has a black rescue dog, a labrador and she is the same. Perhaps you could see an animal behavourist or trainer about your dog? dont give up on her yetx

  8. Our daughter got bitten by our old dog a few years ago - the dog was caught up in a wire fence and L tried to free her and got bitten on the hand in the process! No hard feelings on either side!
    I hope you're better soon!

  9. OOOH dogs can be stubborn at times,but yes she needs to learn that you are the boss not her:)

    Hope things get better and your finger heals quickly.

  10. Uh-oh BAD DOG!! Some are very stubborn, you'll just have to be friend Shirley had a heck of a time training her dog, but she's finally come around and is a very good dog. Glad your finger is ok!

  11. Nice article, thanks for sharing.

  12. So sorry, not a fun time....good luck!

  13. Pam, glad your finger is ok. The shake and wait treatment works with our dogs when necessary but you may have to ask a trainer as none of our dogs have ever bitten us.


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