
Monday, November 14, 2011

Cold and Rainy

It is a COLD and rainy day here.  It makes me want to curl up into a ball and sleep.

Aiden 002

Cats 003

Jack 06

Anyone else feel like that when it's cold and rainy? ~XOP~


  1. I KNOW! It's been thundering here too - and we lost power, but thankfully it came back in a short time. I enjoyed your NYC pics, Pam!

  2. Well.... it was bight and sunny here today with highs in the mid- to upper-70s... not exactly nap weather... but definitely a day where you wish you could sit outside and read...


  3. Love the cat in a circle. Amazing how they adapt to whatever shape the 'comfy' place is!
    Being computerless for a couple of weeks I'm just catching up (backwards)and I love all the Museum pics and the architecture. Love all the statues with horses in them but that spider was a bit big for my liking :O.
    Hoping the weigh in went well and wondering what the silk will be used in :).
    I'll have to 'do' the rest of the trip later!Thanks for posting so many pics.

  4. All your purr-babies are curled up so sweetly! It was a mostly grey day here today, but no rain and very mild. But I stitched and pressed and cut and stitched some more. It was a great day! :)

  5. We have gotten warm here. My fur babies will curl up almost any weather, but they come to cuddle curl when it is colder.

  6. I tend to want to move more when it is a bit chilly than when it is hot. I don't know why, but, hot weather turns my blood to molasses =P
    I'm wierd, but, I really LUV the rainy/gloomy weather.

    Did you get to curl up with your kitties?


  7. So sweet...kitties always look so cozy and warm when they curl up like that!


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~