
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Halloween Repeat?

I know we are heading into Christmas but it's still Halloween around my place.  I borrowed my friend's GO cutter to use it to cut out some tumblers for a Halloween table runner I have rolling around in my head and thought, "Why not dig out all the Halloween flannel you have and cut out enough tumblers to make 3 Halloween flannel quilts for all the kids?"  So of course I always listen to that stupid nagging little voice and headed down to the depths of the basement to search!  Lo and behold I found a LOT of different flannels.  I went through 2 bins and cleared out every ounce of Halloween flannel I had.  YESSSS  it made room to move some other things into bins.  I brought half the stack upstairs and in the hour and a half I had I cut out some tumblers (oh and the bits for the table runner). 

Here is the first stack of fabrics and what they became!!

Halloween flannels

Halloween Tumbler blocks

Don't you love it? I have to finish the cutting this week as my friend wants her cutter back, haha. I won't get around to sewing these until after the holiday and I might even give them to my friend's mom to do the sewing on, still deciding about that.

I spoke with Jacquie today and she has another pattern for me to test. I get to make the baby size this time so I'm thinking it should go quickly. She wants it before Christmas. I think I will be able to show you the colors I will be using (once I figure it out and order the fabrics, she wants solids) but not the finished product until she has the pattern released. 

She also liked my idea of the Back Wood Quilt Shops TV show too.  C'mon Travel Channel, I'm waiting to hear from you!  ~XOP~


  1. A tumbler quilt is on my list for next year - great Eye Spy quilt pattern. I sent to them for the Back Wood Quilt Shops show - maybe they can visit our hidden shop!

  2. Absolutely adorable and you will be so ready for next Halloween. Very nice friend to let you use the Go Cutter, wishing I had one as I work on the Rose of Sharon quilt!!! Beautiful Halloween fabric!

  3. What fun Halloween fabrics....

    I emailed the Travel Channel about your proposed TV show... and have rec'd three separate, automated email responses telling me they got my email!


  4. Haha to Impera_Magna's comment above! Maybe I should e-mail them too and show there's genuine, diverse interest!! I want to do a tumbler quilt, too. Your fabrics are such FUN!!! :)

  5. Woo hoo on more sewing for Jacquie! Love the Halloween tumblers.

  6. I'm out of the loop because I don't know what a tumbler quilt is?? Inform me please. As for the quilt shop show?? Great idea!! There's nothing like it on TV. Someone needs to produce a prototype to show them.
    Gmama jane


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