
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Halloween Tumblers

I finally got around to digging out the rest of the Halloween fabrics to cut and guess what happened?  I actually have cut so many tumbler blocks that I cut through the GO cutter mat!!!  I have used it a lot in the past and so has Liz but I thought it would last a little longer than it did.  So off to JAF I go after work to buy a mat so I can finish my cutting.  I decided to cut the 7" strips for when I get the mat.  This is what the rest of the fabric looks like that I am going to use.

More Halloween flannel

Of course while I was trying to take a photo I had some "help". Mosen decided to come and oversee my work!

Mosen "helping" me

I have quilting tonight and think I will bring my binding to work on. I have 3 I need to bind so I need to get busy! What are YOU doing tonight? ~XOP~


  1. Kitty help is the *best* kind of help. Most of the time. LOL! Tonight? Perhaps picking out fabric for my turkey table runner! :)

  2. Really, what is it with cats and quilts? My cat lies on any new fabric he can find lying about. I wonder if the sizing smells lovely to him or is it simply that it doesn't smell like him and he wants it to?


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~