
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Excitement Is Building

That's right, excitement seems to be all around me at the moment.  
So much is happening all at the same time.  

I will begin by saying that I learned something new about presenting a quilt gift. 
 My friend, Robin, showed me how to roll up a quilt and tie it with ribbon.  
This will allow me to carry the quilt on the airplane with me. 
 Isn't this adorable?
Thanks for the ribbon Pauline!

 It will be on the plane with me next week when I go to Raleigh.  
That's part of the excitement, going to see my DD2 in Raleigh.  
So excited to see her!

I finished the third Halloween top last night and will be handing that off to the LAQ this week. 
 I am almost done with those now.  
One is done and gifted, one is just about finished being bound and 
now the third one is off to the quilter!! 

More excitement?  
A blogging friend from Australia actually called me this week!!!!  
We were chatting online and she asked me if I was near a phone and then 
BAM we were talking like we were long lost friends.  
Thanks for the wonderful chat Jeannette!!  
 If you haven't checked out her blog you should she has mad talent!

I also talked with my friend Jacquie recently and 
found out that she is going to be very close (~ 3 hours) to me teaching and 
then doing a brunch and trunk show. 
 So I registered for her class and the brunch and made my hotel reservation and 
we will be spending a lot of time together.  
We are both looking forward to this.  
We have been trying to figure out a way to get together 
so now we have that to look forward to at the end of June!!!

(Cat photo inset to make this less boring)
Hallie and Autumn

The final excitement?  
Not really that exciting but still...I have to have a professional photo taken of myself today. 
 I HATE anyone taking pictures of me and usually spend time behind the camera to avoid it
 but in this case I have no choice.
 I need a photo so I called up our photo dept here at work and
I am meeting the photographer at 9am.
 I decided to actually try to style my hair and *gasp* put on makeup. 
 I have my signature aqua on so hopefully that will make people look at my eyes 
rather than the rest of me! 
 OK, so wish me luck with this one!



  1. I'm taking that class with Jacquie too :) Will be fun to meet you both!

  2. I hate having photos taken of me as well... I look so freakin' OLD! *lol*

    When you go for your sitting, just think about the upcoming shop hop in Raleigh... and smile!


  3. Wow -- you've been (and will continue to be) busy, busy!! You'll be beautiful in your photo, I'm sure! And thanks for popping Hallie and Autumn into the post -- they made me smile! :)

  4. I would need a professional to make me look half-way decent too!
    Have fun at the trunk have a lot going on!
    IF you have nothing better to do, wheat harvest will probably start within the week...

  5. Wowee! You have a lot to do Pam---all very fun!

  6. Geez girl, so much excitement - I love it! And I do want to see that pic!

  7. you know what you wrote about the latest, greatest downlow thing? well - it is AWESOME, BLOSSOM! we're really, really happy for you, little mama!

  8. You are a non stop energized bunny. The Appleseed quilt show was great when I went. I took a class with the "Crafty Ol' Broad". It was a good one class....took a second class with a table's still not finished....a quilt as you go method and I can't figure out how to finish it. I think it was 4 maybe 6 years ago that I went...time flies when you are having fun....and you will have fun!!

  9. Oh, now I'm wanting to know what the photo is NEEDED for! Great progress on Halloween quilts. I envy you visiting your daughter in Raleigh. What's your favorite quilt shop there? There are quite a few good ones in the area, or there were last time I went.



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