
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

So Much To Talk About

I can't believe all the fun stuff I need to tell you all about! 
 Last week on Thursday and Friday I went to Shipshewana with my DH.  
He had vacation and that's where he wanted to go.  
We stayed at a B & B and were the only ones in the whole house.  
That was nice.  
Morton Street B & B.  

This is the garden area out behind the house.  
So beautiful! 
We sat out there for a little while and relaxed. 
 It was lit up at night too.

Of course we went to Yoders Department Store too.  
That's where I saw this beauty.  
Isn't it gorgeous?
I didn't buy much in the way of fabric on this trip but I couldn't resist this pattern. 
 (When I asked DH if he was proud of how little I bought he told me, 
"Well it's because you have everything already!" HA shows how much he knows!!)

This was the shop sample and it was beautiful!

As it turns out I bought both Alice in Wonderland and Cinderella.  
Now I just need an epoc to finish them both.  
Any bets on how long that will take? 
 I need to get some of the solids first.  
Then I will look both kits over to see which one might be easier to begin with.  
Any suggestions?

I did buy just a little fabric. 
 I had my eye on the cat fabric for quite a little while now. 
 I saw it online and had been able to resist but I just couldn't do it in person. 
 I had this exact print on corduroy when I was a little girl.  
In fact I still have that fabric too.  
Then, when I saw these Ruby Slippers I couldn't resist buying them for my good friend, Annie.  *waves to Annie* 
I hope to get it in the mail to her this week.  

I am also still looking for the perfect, if elusive,  "water" fabric to use for a background for Prismata, which I haven't even started yet! 
 I know I will have to put her together first and then audition the backgrounds so I have bought a few and will see but this seemed like the perfect place for an aquatic dragon, don't you think?

 Well there's still more but I will continue tomorrow.  

Are you playing along in the Sliced Apples QAL?  We would love to have you!

~ XOP ~


  1. Oh, yes, those shoes are so Annie! I don't applique that much, so no help here.

  2. Awesome finds from Shipshewana, I can see why you couldn't pass up the cat fabric, great water fabric too and the perfect fabric for did good girl. Both quilt kits will be extra special for your 'oneday' extra special grandones!! Finally got my picture posted on Flickr for the QAL.

  3. We've never been to Shipshewana--but your post puts it on the list of 'to do' trips. The kits will be beautiful. And i'm using 3 ch.packs of 'Flutterby' for your QAL!! Nice post :-)

  4. fun stuff! so the first picture of alice is that applique? then the two you got where cross stitch? it's hard to tell.
    I once made a wizard of oz quilt and used a similar slipper fabric for a border and binding, it was cute

  5. Those are really cute patterns! I had not seen them before. Resist Teresa!!!! And I absolutely love that playful cat fabric. I'm a real sucker for cat fabric. Resist Teresa!!! Someday I hope to visit Shipshewana. I have heard wonderful tales of my friend's visits :*)

  6. Looks like you had a marvelous time! I love, love the Alice in Wonderful piece -- so darling! I've always been a Mad Hatter fan!! :)

  7. What fun fabrics...I LOVE the shoes...I actually want a pair of those!

  8. Anonymous11:58 AM

    I've been to Shipshewana once and would love to go again. Looks like a beautiful place to stay if I get to go sometime. Those patterns are great! Can you make them from your stash? =) Love that last fabric you showed. Water dragon, yes, but almost anything else, too! It's just gorgeous! Is that a batik?

    dezertsuz at gmail


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