
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Happy Birthday (Yesterday)

It was my birthday yesterday! 
 Yep, I am another year older. 
 I had to work but that's ok.  
A friend from work brought me a beautiful plant (Guzmania) 'Rana'. 
 Isn't it beautiful?  
Thanks Karen!!

Next up was lunch with Liz at Angelo's. 
 When you buy one you get one half off on your birthday.  
Thanks for lunch Liz!

Back to work I went. 
 Left work and headed home to get ready to go out to dinner with DD1 and her BF. 
 Free burger at Red Robin for dinner.  
Drove home and got ready to go to quilting.  
My friend, Pauline was there with a few gifts too.  
First this re-usable bag with my favorite Spartan on it.  
Also a pack of post-it notes that had a tag that said "good for one binding"  
And I thought, "How do you use post-it notes for binding?"  
Then it dawned on me that it was really a ticket to present to have one binding done by Pauline!!  (Blonde moment). 

She also knows how much I love Swell and Sweet by Moda and found this cute envelope bag

 Containing these 4 beautiful tea towels!! 

Thanks for the beautiful gifts Pauline!!

Now you may be wondering about my husband.  
He had to fly and was not going to be home until 10pm.  
I was supposed to go over to Cori's house for Wine Wednesday but she got home kind of late, 
and DH got home a little earlier and I was watching a TV show with DD1 
that she wanted me to watch with her so I skipped that for this time. 

Cori is having a birthday this month too and we decided to go out for a "girls night" together. 
 We are going to go get our nails done and go out for dinner. 
 It should be fun!!  
Time spent together is a wonderful gift!!  
One of my favorites!!

DH was not sure about what he wanted to get me for my birthday so I helped him out. 
 I asked for a new camera for Christmas and he tried to order it, but it was not yet available.  
He actually placed an order but it never was filled.  
So I went online yesterday and found it and ordered it for my birthday!! 

 It is a Sony HX9V.  
 (Photo from Amazon).

My old point and shoot (PNS) has been dropped in the lake and
 then dropped on the cement and after 12 years I think it's time for a new one.  
I loved my Fuji don't get me wrong, but the new Fuji's just didn't stack up to this new Sony.  
I hope it comes soon and I will let you know how I like it.  
It will take some time to adjust to using a Sony after having a Fuji for so long,
 but I'm up for a new challenge.

I did manage to get the binding all sewn on the MSU quilt for MHC.  
I just need some photos for 100 quilts for kids and
 I will be taking them with me tomorrow to GR to drop them off on my way to see my dad. 
 I also got the binding done half way on the second quilt for Yolanda
 Pauline offered to finish it, thanks Bestie!!
 It's a good joint effort to get these 2 quilts done for her to give to her nephews.  

DH and I are going out for all you can eat crab tonight to celebrate my birthday.  
I am looking forward to that.  

Thanks  to all of my family and friends that stopped by online, called, sent cards or visited in person. 

 You all made my birthday very special.  

I am looking forward to celebrating another year with all of you, God willing!



  1. Happy Birthday, sounds like you had a good one,time spent with friends and family can't be beat. :)

  2. happy birthday !!

  3. Happy Birthday, Girl!

  4. Happy Birthday!! Had no idea:)
    Free food at Red Robin is always good!! Then a night of all you can eat crab with your honey yummy!

    Happy,Happy Birthday to you!!

  5. Happy Happy Birthday Pam!!!! I'm sorry you had to work, but maybe you can keep stretching out the celebration. *G* Your new camera looks wonderful - I have an older Sony that I just love - enjoy!!!

  6. Happy Birthday Pam!

  7. happy birthday to you

  8. Feliz Aniversário!Tudo de bom que há para você.

  9. crap ... i missed it ... i knew it was in july ... but i missed it ... i can't even think of a good excuse ... mutter mutter mutter...

    Happy Belated Birthday to you, little mama!!!

  10. Hope it was a great one. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY. Thanks for all the help you give us.

  11. Happy belated birthday! Sounds like you had a good day. Love the plant and the the bag and tea towels. Don't friends come up with the best gifts ever?! Glad it was a good one!

  12. OH!! Happy birthday to you!!! I'm glad you enjoyed a lovely, wonderful day!! Keep celebrating through the weekend! (And if you're like me, through the rest of the month!!) :)

  13. Happy Happy Birthday to you!!! All the best!


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