
Friday, July 13, 2012

100 Quilts For Kids

DH and I are getting ready to go to Grand Rapids to see my dad and do some more cleaning.  YIPPEE!! 
 I think this trip will be a lot of running around, but whatever they need me to do, 
that's why I go there. 
 There is a charity that I like to donate to called Margaret's Hope Chest
 I made a Michigan and Michigan State quilt for my donation quilts.

I did manage to drop them both off today. 
 I also dropped off some quilts for Pauline too.

I got to spend time with my dad and sister today. 
 Took her to Sam's club, did some more cleaning, went out to dinner, 
spent time with my Aunt and Uncle and then made my way home.  
All in all a good day!  

Tomorrow I will go to Liz's house to begin to quilt the 2 quilts I pattern tested for Jacquie

 Wish me luck!!



  1. So happy you are participating in 100 quilts for kids, I dropped off quilts this week too. Cannot wait to see your pattern test finishes!

  2. Cool quilts Pam!!

    Enjoy your weekend!

  3. What a great pattern idea for a collegiate quilt! I'm going to have to keep that in mind. Have a great day and GOOD LUCK!! :)

  4. Your two quilts turned out nicely... someones are going to love them! What a kind and generous thing to do...

    Hope you have a fantastic day!


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