
Monday, July 16, 2012

Quilts for a Friend

I had an extremely busy weekend.  
(Notice no gym time this weekend though)
As you know, Friday was going to Grand Rapids to see my dad.  
I forgot to mention that I ended up taking my sister to Sam's Club to get a few "snacks".  
A few??  
This is what my trunk looked like.

DH and I stopped at Aunt Betty's in Pinckney for breakfast on the way to GR.  
He is such a trooper!
Secretly, I think he only comes along for the breakfast.  
Their corned beef is amazing!!

So you know that I dropped off the MSU and U of M quilts at Margaret's Hope Chest. 
 Saturday consisted of a HUGE learning experience for me. 
 I have 2 quilt tops that I sewed to test a pattern for Jacquie. 
 I thought I would use Liz's long arm to quilt them.  
We got the first one on the big machine and 
we both realized we would only be able to do 2 of the 4 quadrants. 
 I was doing some straight line quilting, the quadrants were triangular and
 I was doing a spiral at half inch intervals. 
 UGH, NEVER again!!! 
 Each line had to be laid in point to point and only 3 lines stitched at a time.  
The 2 quadrants took me over 5 hours to complete!! 
 Then I had the bigger one and thought there was no way I could do that
 so we basted it and it is going to Jacquie to quilt.  
I took the other one home and have to do the other 2 quadrants on my domestic machine.  
I did one last night (3 hours). 
 Total learning experience and not one I really care to repeat!! 
 I love the look but what a gigantic PITA! 
 I can't show them yet but soon, I hope.

OK now on to better things.  
I had 2 tumbler quilts from Yolanda to make for her nephews.  
My friend Pauline finished the binding on the second one and 
now both are ready to go in the mail back to Yolanda.

Yolanda was diagnosed with cancer and is looking for volunteers to help her finish up her WIP's. 
 If you think you might have time to help please email me 
and I will put you in touch with the person coordinating that.

Here is the one for Chase

And for Daniel

The quilting on Daniels was geometric, and the quilting on Chase's was surfers.

Pretty happy to have those going out this week!!

All in all a fairly productive weekend, I think.  

Did you see that Kate is doing a QAL for 100 Quilts for Kids?  
Use the button at the top of my blog to take you there.  
Looks like fun and I am going to try to participate, if not on their schedule, on mine! 
 I have just a few more commitments to finish up.  

How was your weekend??



  1. Finishing those quilts for yo lander, now that is special!

  2. What a good friend, sister and daughter you are! :) Have a great week~

  3. Crazy! Glad you are able to help dad and the tumblers. Any closer pictures of surfers?

  4. Those quilts turned out great for Yolanda! Very nice :)

  5. Sorry to hear you had trouble with that one quilt Pam...hope it works itself out.

    I see you are busy as usual!;)


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