
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Bee Blocks, Swaps and Upcoming QAL

 Here are the last 2 blocks for my Bee vintage bee.  
I am happy with how they came out but sad that the bee is over!

I am in a AMH swap.
  I sent in my fabric for round one and we are now considering round 5!! 
 I think I am done with round 4 as I don't happen to have 
(and can't find anywhere online) any of the "unselected" AHM fabrics to participate with.  
Kind of a bummer but this whole thing has been fun.  
Here is my fabric for round 2.

I am hosting a 10" square swap using Tula Pink fabric too and 
chose the squirrels from the Birds and the Bees. 

 I put a bunch of my solids with it, mmmmmmmm, Tula Pink!!!!!

I was going to do a side swap with a friend of the swallows from that line too
 but the place we were purchasing from only had 1 of the 4 color ways available.  
The purple one.
We will get the others eventually!

So as you can see I am up to my eye balls in swap stuff. 
 I hope to get the rest of the fabric cut for the QAL. 
 Seriously, is anyone even interested??  
Or should I just forget it?



  1. I missed something. What QAL?

  2. There is so much going on - a QAL would fit in after the holidays or the New Year.

  3. yep - i am ... but mine probably won't be christmas and i probably won't be able to figure out flicker or flipper or whatever it is called...


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